I can not get my newborn to sleep in her crib or without someone holding her! She doesn’t have any reflux issues to my knowledge and I’ve tried swaddling... 😩😩 Any tips ?!
An ergo pouch is a fantastic one to use, we are still using it with our youngest (petite 3.5 yr old). Super easy to use and lasts ages plus the re sale price is good too.
@pi@pinnkmom, my daughter is the exact same way up until last week she couldn’t be without me, the doctor said just let her be with you because newborns need that affection and everything you can’t spoil a newborn, but when she’s older yes I would try and distant the co sleeping
@pinnkmom, it can be beneficial for you both. It’s the only way I could cope w my second bc I couldn’t get anything done otherwise. I also got the rock n play sleeper thing but it took her a long time to nap on her own. I didn’t have the automatic one that rocked so I dunno if it would have been helpful. She didn’t like the swing either! Just me! It’s so exhausting when you’re in it but now she’s 16 mos and naps on her own and goes to bed w such ease. Only started sleeping thru the night about 13mos tho.😳
@phoebesmommy, no I don’t ! I’m actually looking into purchasing a sling or wrap. Do you ? I was trying to lookup more info on baby wearing. I think it’ll be beneficial for her.
You can't spoil a newborn 😏 but whatever it takes for you to both get some sleep. They make little baskets that sit on your bed or pillows that contain them I'm your bed.
@pinnkmom, my first was so easy too and then my second threw me a curve ball! You won’t spoil them. Honestly, baby needs you. Think of where she was for 9-10 months.. connected to you. Do you baby wear??
@phoebesmommy, @kambam, @mommy2babygirl, hmmm, ok ! My first was completely different, he slept well and own his own from the start. My concern is “spoiling” her. I thought by continuing to hold her while she sleeps is only making it worse. I’m super exhausted and don’t want to keep falling asleep with her on me but that’s the only way to get her to sleep. Literally as soon as I lay her down she wakes up crying. She currently 2 weeks and has been this way since she was born. She wouldn’t even sleep in the baby sleeper in the hospital.
It’s so draining but totally normal. Babies have emotional needs just like us. Some babies need more physical contact than others. Soak it up bc before you know it they’re little independent creatures who won’t sit still for snuggles
Newborns just want to be with mom. It even helps them regulate their temperature, breathing etc. Seems weird but they have to learn how to do literally everything, including sleep. My almost 2yr old is just starting to sleep normally
Same so now after her being a month old and trying every night I gave up and bought a “swaddle me by your side sleeper” and she’s in our bed lmao. So much safer than falling asleep with her on my chest from being exhausted and trying to get her to sleep. And safer than sleeping directly on my bed