What type of guy dont show love to his kids he's just always on his phone nd never pays attention to them one day he will regret it its sad that my kids ask me how come he dont pay attention to them or plays with about to have my 7th baby im 35 weeks prego nd he leaves everything to me the cooking the cleaning taking care of the kids 24/7 i literally never get to rest but he says its my responsibility cause im the woman nd he works nd he needs to rest i cant say that my back hurts cause then im annoying nd i bitch too much nd that nobody told me to get pregnant i swear i cant stand him i cry in frustration i always wondered what it would be like to be happy being pregnant nd my partner to care of how i feel the only time he gets near me is when he wants to be pleased but heck to the nooo he can use his hand..i have so much frustration towards him i just wanna leave but i gave him all the money i get rn for rent i just needed to vent i always lock myself in the bathroom at night nd cry tomorrow is our sons kinder promotion nd he says he might not go cause its not that important smh i wished he was atleast different with his kids...Again just venting.......

Лучший комментарий


It sucks!! Guys are such jerks! I swear, i deal and hear with the same shit! But I can only put up with so much, untill I eventually go off & let him know! Then he’ll be like oh s*** ok
10.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@562honey, I’m sorry momma he gives you such a hard time! Men just don’t and will never understand us women until we are of course gone! Hope your day has gotten better xoxoxo and if you ever need anyone to vent too I’m here😘BTW I think your a super momma for taking care of all your kids,man and household while pregnant that takes a whole lot of superwoman and I admire you!
09.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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