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My youngest baby is the 1st two pics. He fell asleep in the car the other day and normally when I take him out he wakes right up but he didn’t and he was out on me for a while. The second one is him asleep in his coat after a dentist appt, he had a traumatic experience and was so tired from all the crying I didn’t want to bother him. The third pic is of my niece cuz she fell asleep in her high chair and is just too cute. My oldest 2 are too old for naps so they think!


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@fiestymama, thanks boo and yes I remember that, still have the pics! He was killing them Oreos 😂
05.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
J is so cute .and ill bever forget when he was 10 months u posted u and him eating oreos.u remember that grl:)) i loved it. I went home and fed my baby oreos too. F it :) thats was a long time ago:) ill nevr forget u guys !!!! Xoxox
05.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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