Would love to hear at which week you found out bubs gender via ultrasound..😊
I’m almost 14 weeks.

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24.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
mamabeartoxylianadynasty ____ I was actually calm and collected, always smiling, giggly and just being my self.. I loved being in hospital, and nurses were surprised with how I dealt with it all.. including labour, up until the last hour LOL..
I was waiting for a Dr to break my waters as she was stuck where she was from the discovered dilated cervix with bubs membrane showing down and out my cervix... a Dr didn’t come at 5:30am, instead just after 1pm... once water was broken she arrived 8-9 mins later.

She is doing well, just has to reach 3 milestones : Weight to at least 2.2kg, Breast feeding (this instinct comes at 35 weeks), and be at least 35-36 weeks to leave NICU.

First name : Xyliana-Dynasty
Middle names : Diamond Valkyrie
24.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lateashia Wow! That must've been so scary for you to go through! Congratulations on your precious baby girl 💖 how is she doing? Does she have a name?
21.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
mamabeartoxylianadynasty, and @jedsmummy92, so sorry I didn’t get back to you both. I’ve had a very painful pregnancy and the last 2 months I’ve lived in hospital with high risk of preterm labour.
I wanted to let you both know that at my 17-18 week scan I found out I was having a girl. I then was admitted into hospital at 26 weeks with bleeding, a dilated cervix, and bubs membrane showing down and out my cervix. Now for the BEST news....... I had my baby girl yesterday! 🙌😊 at 33+1.
21.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yep 😂
05.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@jedsmummy92, Lol he wanted to make sure you knew 😂🙌💙💚✨
05.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
mamabeartoxylianadynasty, 😊😃 Will gladly let you know gender. I’ve basically picked out Nursery themes for both genders, but I’m eager to do the Boy Nursery I’ve envisioned. It’s all very exciting.✨✨
05.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
With my son we found out at 17 weeks as he had his legs spread and was on full display. Lol.
There was no missing his genitals that's for sure.
05.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
The bottom one definitely looks like a boy to me! The top one I can't really tell. And that would be awesome if you could let me know! 😄 I'll be curious for ages now lol and that's another reason I'm glad it was a boy because I found a nursery theme pretty easily and ot turned out awesome! 💙
03.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
03.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
03.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’ve even been picturing my plans for a Boys Nursery over the last 2 weeks or so too lol 😂 So even though I had wanted a girl, I’ve obviously had that I’m having a boy on my mind for a fair while...
I will let you all know what I’m having once it’s confirmed at my anatomy scan. 😊
I’ve had almost every single person say they think I’m having a boy, except 2 who said girl because they were going off the skull theory.
03.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lateashia oh wow! 14 years 😄 congrats mama that's so awesome! I thought 3 years was hard. Little miracle baby 😍 makes it even more special! And yeah you'll definitely be happy either way. Boys are so sweet. And i was doing the same when i was pregnant, me and everyone else kept saying he! Lol
03.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
mamabeartoxylianadynasty, I did want a girl, but in the last week I’ve been referring to bub as ‘he’, ‘him’, and ‘boy’ and I can’t stop lol 😂
I dreamt of a boy 2 nights ago as well..
I’ll be happy to have a healthy baby - any gender, and I’m blessed after 14yrs of ttc to finally be growing a little human and giving him/her life. 💚💜❤️✨
03.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lateashia it will go by really quickly! It thought I would be waiting with anticipation but next thing I knew I was on my way to my scan. Are you hoping for a specific gender or not fussed either way? I was hoping for a girl and at first thought I was a bit disappointed, but as soon as we started buying boy clothes I was over the moon and now that I'm holding him, I couldn't picture it any other way 😍
03.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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