Okay ladys!! I need some serious help!! Social services called me today and said that there going to take us to court because of what happened with my daughters dad and my husband!! Does ANYONE know of legal help that we can afford!? Im so scared because they said that it can end in getting my kids taken away from us because they dont think that they are in a safe house! Which they are btw!! Please... anyone?

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02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
You've stated that he abuses you and screams at your daughter. And from what you've posted on this situation, he overreacted and assaulted your child's father right in front of her. None of this is remotely ok.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить


Please get out before he kills you, your children, or all of you. You may love him, but the way he "loves" you isn't love at all. I know it's hard because you love who he once was and you want to think you can love him back to being that person, but nothing good is going to come of this. What he did to you and what he did to your ex is abhorrent. You deserve more than this and so do your children. Love does not hurt you in this manner. Love does not lash out in this manner.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
So you said this was months ago. His behavior has changed then? I doubt it seeing what he did to your ex. Has he gone to anger management? Has he stopped being an abusive fuck for a long enough time that it displays actual change and not just a thing he's doing so you stay? You are defending an abuser above ypur children. Open your eyes and see what you're doing to them!!
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Reading your past posts and comments makes me believe your children will benefit better if they are removed from the home. Whether you do it or cps does it. I don’t care what your ex did or didn’t do. Your husband has had anger issues before this problem even arose. YOUR HUSBAND IS A THREAT TO YOUR CHILDREN.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
1. You’re an idiot if you think that cps won’t be looking at your social media, including this, and seeing the things you’ve said about your husband.
2. If you decide to stay with this “man”, the best thing for the children is to be placed elsewhere.
3. No normal functioning adult gets into physical fights in front of young children. You just don’t.

It’s obvious that you both have some issues. No one is going to help you keep innocent children in a violent home.

You need to leave.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Maybe your daughters father was trying to protect HIS daughter! If my daughter was around a shitty ABUSIVE mom. I'd be pissed too. You and/or your Daughter will end up getting hurt eventually. And that will be on YOU!
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
It amazes how much you are sticking up for your husband. If my husband was in the wrong I chose to not stand by his side so he knows he messed up and what ever happened was not ok. And the fact that someone is telling you that your home is not safe and your still there knowing it's not is beyond me... so it's ok that he abused someone else this time and not you... what is it going to take for you to get out.. A mother would not hesitate to leave a situation that involves the safety of her children. My kids will always come first. Your selfish is my eyes and your husband is a pos. Your not thinking about your kids at all.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I hope that you will see that we aren’t trying to attack your husband. We just want you to see that there are literally hundreds of better ways he could have dealt with your ex. Putting a person in the hospital is never the right answer. You said you wanted us to ask questions before we made up our minds but it is difficult to do that when you have posts admitting he abuses you and you don’t trust him alone with your daughter. You’ve also had to stay with your ex before to try and separate from your husband’s abuse. And you ask your ex to take your daughter when he has verbally abused her. So on the day they were fighting, why wouldn’t your ex give you guys your daughter? In my view with your history and going to him (ex) for help, I would always be reluctant to leave my daughter there too. I’d be terrified this man would harm my daughter and after him exploding to the point of your ex needing hospitalization and surgery, if I was your ex, that would make me fight you guys harder to get my kid out of there. I don’t want you to lose your kids but more than that, I don’t want to read about another of your babies losing their chance at life at the hands of something that can be prevented by leaving. If that makes you angry to read, I apologize but it’s from a place of genuine concern for you and your littles. What he did to your ex could have been you, or your child. He needs help and you can’t love that rage and violence away
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Your job as a mother is to protect your children. When you have clearly stated your husband is abusive to you and verbally abusive to your daughter, you should have left a long time ago. I know it's hard but once abuse starts it usually never stops. You have stated you don't feel that your daughter is safe around him and that her dad has to take her. So why would you be with someone that you can't protect your child from when he should be protecting you and your children. I understand you think he was "protecting" your family from your ex but he obviously can over power your ex so he could have easily gotten your ex out of the house, locked the door and called the cops.
He clearly let anger take over and became dangerous while your ex was holding your daughter, that isn't protecting. I'm sorry your going through this but you need to put your kids first or they are going to get taken away more than likely or your husband is going to do more damage. Don't stay in a relationship because he might "get better". Your strong, you're a mother and your children need you to keep them safe.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Alot all of these moms are giving you information that a legal aid would give you. leave the home with your kids be at a place away from your husband an seek an attorney while the case is being looked into it will be best for them to see that you an your kids are away from him an even better if hes seeing someone for his anger issues at the time
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
If you decide to stay with this poor excuse for a man, maybe it’s better that the kids go somewhere safe until you open your eyes and get some counseling for domestic abuse.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
What do you want to hear? That you should stay? We should condone his abusive behavior?
I'm telling you now, it's going to get worse. Hell, from that ss^ it's already in the deadly zone.

Idgaf if my baby dad was a shitty person, I wouldn't allow a "man" to put him into the hospital in front of his child.
You should not keep condoning this shit behavior because it is going to teach your children it's okay to do when it is clearly not okay!

My oldest's bio dad witnessed his mothers abuse for years. Saw his mother in the hospital on the brink of death because "it'd get better". One day he decided it was okay to his hands on me because step dad did it and mom never left. I grabbed my Daughter and left.

You need to get out. Quit making excuses. Save your children and save yourself.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I hope for you and your children safety you open your eyes and realize how dangerous a man that can’t control his anger can be. These situations never end well. They never change. One wrong move or word can set them off. And if he can hurt a grown man that bad that easily that is truly terrifying
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
You're focusing on one detail and avoiding the bigger picture. I really hope you choose to get your babies some place safe.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kai_miller, he did nothing wrong?!?! Have you magically forgotten that he abused you, caused you to miscarry, verbally abused your daughter?!?
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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