Update: I apologize for being MIA! My surgery for cerclage placement went smoothly however afterwards I was complaining of intense pain. They gave me an nsaid shot and after an hour the pain was still there. Next I was given extra strength Tylenol and that didn’t work either. I asked for something stronger because the milder stuff doesn’t work for me. They said give it more time and I asked to go home. After I got home the pain wrapped around my back and I was shaking and vomiting for three days. My family was concerned and wanted to take me back but I said they’re not going to help so I’ll have to wait this out. By Tuesday it started to die down and up until today there’s mild cramping. Yesterday I went to visit my awesome mfm and he said we were lucky to put in the cerclage at 12w5d because my cervix was soft and another week it would have started to open up so he said good call and I said hey you do good work😉 I explained the pain situation after I got home to my mfm and he says next time call me and we’ll get ya taken care of🤦🏾‍♀️

We got some pretty good shots of my love muffin too! The day of my surgery they tried to get blood to do the NIPT test but no blood was coming out because I wasn’t allowed to eat/drink anything for 12 hours. Plus I took Diclegis so I wouldn’t vomit and I still felt nauseous that morning and the anesthesiologist asked if someone was nauseous? I said I’m pregnant what do you expect 😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️ They got a huge vial of it at my appointment after the nurse poked me four times😩 Why me! 😂

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@spookylyn, These tests are expensive aren’t they!? I was notified oop it would cost 349 at my clinic and it’s 60 dollar copay with insurance. The sucky part is we found out after getting blood drawn then sent in it has to be prior authorized! To be honest the nuchal translucency scan and 20 weeks scan are accurate for detecting birth defects and fluid. After this wacky nurse poked me three times for the nipt test with the same needle in same arm and then started sawing and digging asked for someone else but she said the dr was the only other person to do so. I said well let’s try my other arm and thank God it worked because if it didn’t I seriously was going to continue asking for someone else. I dislike nurses who do blood draws and start digging and sawing around to try and get the needle in the vein. They should never be doing that! I could have just verified through us if there was something abnormal. Didn’t need the blood test because we did genetic testing via blood test when we did IVF.
07.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Soooo horrible what you went through! But glad you’re well into recovery and your baby is safe! ❤️
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Glad all is well and you’re feeling better ! 🤗
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Well, thank God you got it done and you are feeling better. Sweet little baby.
02.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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