Moms who take their BBT, how do you do so when your baby wakes you at different times of the night. I’m hoping to track ovulation to prevent and have the occasional fun time without condoms
@bebefever94, she’s never latched for me so I had to pump. It took awhile for my milk to come in because no one warned me that Motrin can reduce your supply. I learned that after I got home. It sounds weird but I was mostly traumatized by getting my epidural. I was dealing with intense contractions and they refused to stop for it. At one point she touched my back and my contraction over took my whole body and she continued. I’ve never been in that much pain before. I had to get a shot in my butt afterwards and couldn’t stop myself from flinching. I’ve donated blood and never had such reactions to any needles
@emilyinsd, lol my busy life and squirmy baby make it hard for me to pump and I don’t produce much when I do. My host doesn’t Like pumps I did have trouble producing due to a traumatic birth and not being able to feed my baby
@bebefever94, that sucks. I have a blessed supply and am running out of freezer space and motivation. I’m thinking of filling the bags I have on hand and call it good. I said that before though
@bebefever94, at my 6 week appointment my doctor explained something to me. When breastfeeding, you can ovulate but you don’t get a true period until you finish breastfeeding. Your hormones can change which can cause the lining to thin but not shed, giving the feel of a period. But it’s not a full fledge period
@emilyinsd, no I’m an incredibly light sleeper so my bbt is fairly inaccurate plus idk if I’ve gotten my actual period yet I had some light bleeding for three days and some symptoms but not 100% sure so after the next time I am going to use opks. I got deep into this TTC stuff before lol
@bebefever94, that’s true. I’m lucky that she sleeps good so it’s not hard to sleep 3 hours straight. I started to learn all this stuff when we were trying to conceive and I was thinking you had to be asleep a lot longer than that. I do remember that the same time everyday helps a lot. I clearly need a refresher lol
That’s gonna he really hard to do as taking your BBT requires 3 hours of consecutive sleep and take it at the same time everyday. now what you could do is aim for a certain time maybe the time that your baby sleeps the longest and on the nights you are unable to meet the 3 hours use a bbt calculator to adjust your temps