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any co-sleepers being pushed to put your child in their crib by their pediatrician but can’t get over waking up to this???

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I coslept with my first. Now he’s 5, and he freaks out when it’s time to go to bed. His anxiety kicks in and he panics and screams and cries. I rocked him, and slept with him, and he never slept. When I laid him down he’d wake up, and even still climbs in my bed. With my daughter, I’ve never let her sleep with me, and she’s soooo easy to lay down for naps and bed. I lay her down awake and she’s goes to bed on her own.
30.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@reginafan85, we planned on transferring him to his crib between 6-8 months but i’m just getting super sad thinking about it. my boyfriend & i don’t live together & when we do stay with eachother, we both enjoy getting to sleep with our son. i just don’t know i’m indecisive
30.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I did the co-ed thing with my older son and although at the time it was wasn't worth it. It took a VERY very long time to get him on his own and his dependency on being in bed with me was unhealthy for us BOTH. It began wreaking havoc on my marriage, etc.
There is a window if opportunity that closes around 7 months or so in which is can be incredibly challenging to get your child in his/her own room.

When my 2nd son was born - he was in his own crib and room from day 1. It's been a blessing in so many ways and his sleep schedule/structure is 200 times stronger than my oldest son's was at his age.
30.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bitchcraft, that’s exactly how i am! he does amazing co-sleeping & not only does he enjoy it, but i do too. i should’ve never told our doctor because he is crazzyyyy about it
30.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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