I wanted to share this AMAZING miracle cream with you moms. My 2 yr old developed this beast of a diaper rash a few days ago and it progressed to the point where he was BLEEDING. Wailing and screaming to the point where my husband and I were in tears. I was about ready to head over to the ER.
By process of elimination, I've traced the breakout to these stupid Walmart wipes I bought (never used em before, but I had a coupon!). Needless to say they're GONE.
Neosporin. Baking soda. Coconut oil. Destitin. None of them held a flame.....to....TRIPLE PASTE. This product....ladies....let me just tell you that in my 32 years on this earth...I've never been more compelled to rave about a product before. DH ran to Walgreens, grabbed the cream....and within SIXTY SECONDS....relief. The screaming stopped. The crying. The everything. Peace and harmony. And sleep.
It is NOT cheap. This tiny little 2 oz bottle was nearly $8 but talk about "you get what you pay for".