Paige Elizabeth
Paige Elizabeth
15dpo & still getting negative tests. Felt like I was going to start my period a few days ago but haven't yet. My boobs have been sore & tingly for a few weeks now. I'd just really love to know if I should give up hope this month or if I'm actually's driving me NUTS not knowing for sure haha.

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@sourapple87, I know but I can show you all three of my calendars when I conceived with mine. But I would use the ovulation test before and after your period so you can get a good idea when you are closest to ovulating
27.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I don't think so, because that hasn't been the case with conceiving any of our other 4. That's crazy though, I didn't think that was possible!!
27.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Do you think that you ovulate on your period. I know it sounds weird but I just recently found out I ovulate on my period because that’s when I got pregnant with my miscarriage in 2015 & my son and now my unborn baby. I never thought I did but when I went back I was fertile and conceived like the third day into my period
27.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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