Nikki Elkins
Nikki Elkins
At my last app my Dr did a sweep and said my cervix is high, what does it mean to have a high cervix? Does labour take longer does it come down before your body is ready for labour, last pregnancy I got a sweep and 2 days later my water broke this time it's been 3 days and nothing is happening... I have another app next Wed where she said she can try another sweep or we can talk about a c section which I've had 2 natural delivery so am scared to do a csection

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@nikkielkins29, I’ve had natural and two csections (one of which was emergency) They aren’t as bad as they sound, the recovery is a bit longer but I was up and slowly moving around the first night. If it’s scheduled it’s relaxed they walk you through it. I went into labour before my scheduled OR date so it became an Emergency and was a bit scary, husband was stuck waiting in the hall. Don’t stress!
26.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@beakymcspence yes I'm hoping the measuring is off to and he's not as big as they say he could be, @pettybetty my sister has had 2 and says it's not as bad as I think but I'm still nervous of the unknown
26.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I've had 3 sections. They aren't as bad as it seems. Recovery is a little slower but it's manageable. But at the end of the day remember it is YOUR body. You do not have to agreed to a csection.
26.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Their sizes aren’t always correct they thought my oldest was over 9 pounds and he was born at 7 pounds 6 ounces. Your still going to bleed after a csection the same as a natural delivery (I’ve done both) After your ultrasound definitely sit down with your doctor and decide the best option for you hun 🙂
26.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Well it depends on his size I have a ultrasound tues. To see how big he is now but last scan he was estimated to be just over 9lbs my first 2 were 6-7 with bleeding complications for me after birth so his size might be an issue
26.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Why not get induced instead of jumping right to a Caesarean?
26.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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