Let alone making sure they are strapped in correctly it's annoying asf lol my MIL bought a car seat that expired in 2011 from a garage sale like wtf . They really are clueless
My MIL and hubby think I'm dumb for wanting to buy a new car seat and not a expired in. They believe they cannot expired 😂 & Everytime I talk about it they laugh and it including his sister with 2 kids of her own idk smhh
@miriah97, yes ma’am, it’s supposed to be pretty tight touching the shoulders. The rule of thumb is the straps should come from below or right at the shoulders for rear facing and can be above or right at the shoulders for when you eventually forward face.
It honestly makes sense now u say it because his nevk rubs on the dtaps thatd because its too high right... I'll try to adjust it again thank you I'm like a safety freak lol so I appreciate the help !
@modom16 u mean the straps slots...? I had it like that a few months ago when he could fit LMAO now that would be way too tight of a fit. I got his car seat through a car seat saftey class and we had to actually learn for 2 hrs about it and how to install it and baby , they never mentioned that to us
He’s so cute! Sleeping babies are the sweetest things! Just wanted to point out that his straps should be lowered down a slot or two, they should be coming from behind the shoulders for rear facing. I know it can be inconvenient to fix but it’s to make sure they stay in place in case of an accident. ❤️