I really haven’t had any nausea and everything I’m reading says if you aren’t nauseous by week 8 you have an increased risk of miscarriage btwn week 8 & week 12. I’m 8wks4days. Anyone else not nauseous and have a healthy pregnancy?

* I apologize to the women suffering with nausea, I don’t mean to downplay how I’ll you’re feeling

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@spookylyn, my mom was never nauseous with the three of us. But my sister had hyper emisis gravidum with all four of her kids. Thanks for your reply. I see the MFM again on Wednesday and I’ll be 9wks 4days then. I need to just relax I think
27.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My nausea didn’t hit until around week 8-9 and then didn’t stop until almost the third trimester. Maybe your one of the lucky ones that won’t have nausea :)
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Don’t worry. I only had the mildest nausea at 6weeks and again for a couple of days in my 8th week. I’m not out the woods yet but we 14 weeks pregnant and so far so good. Not everyone gets nausea, I had fatigue. I once slept from 6pm till 9am the next day. Only waking up to move from the sofa to the bedroom. Try not to stress. 😄😄
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
With my last baby I didn't have any nausea and he is perfectly healthy :)
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
With my dd, I never really had nausea. I got a little gaggy one am on my prenatal vitamin. She is perfectly healthy. Some people are a lot more sensitive to the pregnancy hormones, I just luckily wasn't.
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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