Anyone have any suggestions for how to get a ten year old boy to do his chores. We’ve offered allowance, we punish, we ground him, nothing seems to work :/
@blakeslatinmama, I’m thinking a date night. One week my husband take him out and I take my daughter, the next week we swap them on the weekend he takes his son out. That way each kid gets alone time. Think that might help? Maybe with all the babies he just needs some one on one
@blakeslatinmama, he doesn’t want to do anything except watch YouTube and play on his phone. And I haven’t found a good counselor yet. The last two didn’t do him any good so he was seeing school counselor buuutt it’s summer :/
@blakeslatinmama, he has a lot of built up frustration from daddy issues but I literally can’t do anything about it. It’s just riding the storm. And I can’t give him a free pass just because he’s upset at his dad
@masseymomma16, @blakeslatinmama, he has a PS3 but it stays on Netflix over the summer bc he has to share with his sister. He has a phone that runs on WiFi and I would pay for him service as an incentive but that didn’t work. We have taken it. But that’s hard during the summer because I need to be able to talk to him during the day, so I shut all his apps off. That didn’t work. He loves playing with his friends outside we ground him from that. He’s disrespectful and rude when he gets in trouble or don’t get his way picks fights with his sister and refuses to help around the house.