So lonely
I've been so lonely lately it's starting to become really depressing. The only time I get out of the house is to go to work. I'm 38 weeks pregnant still working because my boyfriend lost his job. He does nothing all day but watch my daughter while I'm at work and then when I get home he immediately leaves. All my friends are always busy or doing non pregnant people things. Lol. I sit at home all day with my daughter and do absolutely nothing. Me and my boyfriend haven't had sex in months. He don't show me any attention and he's so mean to me. I hate being alone but that's all I ever am anymore. My sisters just got to go visit my dad in Texas and I had to stay here because I am too pregnant to travel. I'm having my baby in 5 days and I don't know if I can handle being alone all the time with 2 kids. Don't really know where this is going, just needed to rant I guess.