Hi beautiful ladies, im just wondering if anyone here has a child with ADHD? im worried my son may have it but im unsure whether or not its just him being overly naughty.
It is a spectrum! At one end are the really quite delayed people and the other end there are people who are geniuses (savants) and there's a whole bunch of people in between.
My ss 9 is asd high functioning and he also has Spd. He is a very intelligent little chap who met all his milestones no worries.
At 2 the behaviour you describe is fairly normal because they don't know how to express themselves. It was more around 4-5 when we noticed issues with our girl because that is when they are expected to fit in somewhat to a norm at school or kinder etc.
Any form of punishment is non effective if she is really hyped up. Our trick is to get her to stop before she gets to that point. Medication helps.
Trauma doesn't help. It increases the behaviours.
Destruction is a part of it she ruins everything which is so disheartening!
29.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
My sd who is 8. She also has ODD. A real bundle of fun at times :-/
And quite possibly my youngest who is 2 the way he is at times I wouldn't be slightly surprised!
29.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Also if you speak to a dr and they brush you off but you still have concerns keep pushing and see a different doctor. People automatically become experts on your child's behaviour and will tell you it's normal or their child did so and so and not to worry but keep pushing until you get an answer
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
There are heaps of good doctors out there. But diagnosing does take time, so be ready for lots of appointments and lots of waiting.
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm in Bradbury but we see his paed in Liverpool as he is just amazing. Not sure if that's to far for you though.
His name is Dr Melvyn Polon. And I seriously couldn't recommend him any more. He is patient, gentle but to the point. So kind of a gentle "this is the problem, and this is how we fix it" kind of doctor.
I'm not 100% where he is located, you could find him on the Internet Dr Ganesha Thambipillay is fantastic with asd/adhd
When my son had him as a dr before we moved he moved between Wagga and Sydney every week, you would need a referral to him though ?
Thank you for all the advice.. means so much xxx liz thats interesting and very good to know its a misconception, you always hear stories where babies were going well and then suddenly lost all their speach etc. Do any of you ladies live in sydney and have a good paediatrician? Could you pm me details
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Not all kids with autism are "backwards" or "delayed" that's a common misconception. Some are and it can be a sign, however my 4yr old is really advanced in some things, on average with language, but behind in social skills and his gross/fine motor skills. He can tell you that a particular aeroplane is a Boeing 747-400 but he can't feed himself... Every child on the spectrum is different.
I'd definite get some advice from your doctor or paed and just see if they can help.
27.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I have 2 children both who have different forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder and 1 of them also has ADHD as well.
First off - Be strong and don't give up or feel like a failure, youre doing an awesome job and it is extremly hard being a parent and even more so if additional needs are thrown into the mix. Make sure you have someone who you can freely talk too who won't judge you and will just listen. I would recommend talking to your GP or a Pead about it, but be aware the first thing they will address is the type of parenting you use - how you set boundaries and the types of consequences you have in place for your son when he breaks those boundaries. If that is all good then they may start the assessment process for ASD and ADHD but be aware it is a long process and requires several different assessments over a period of time. For ASD diagnosis they have a very strict check list that your child must meet several criteria for in several different areas - social, communication and sorry pregnancy brain I've forgotten the other one!
It may also be worthwhile looking at his diet and seeing if removing things like diary and gluten make a difference to his behaviour.
Keep a log of what is happening including the time of day and photos if possible as well, it is good for others to actually see it as well.
27.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
It's not your fault at all and it's very stressful as a parent let alone as a parent with a child with additional needs. My 9yr old son is ADHD and we started noticing it when he was around 18mths old and he was/ like that all the time when he was younger he was very destructive and it's always someone's else's fault, naughty and has more energy then you could ever think possible for any one person nothing would wear him out and still doesn't his always talking or making noises and never sits still and struggles to stay on task and gets distracted very easily even if it's a two institution task he forgets what his doing I usually hate going out with him to restaurants especially or anywhere that requires him to sit still and be quite cause it's so freakin hard all the time but we do go out and have set pretty strict rules and consequences that we stick to always I'd suggest you go see your GP to go see a pead there is several tests that will need to be carried out including eyesight, hearing tests it was a longish process and multiple different appointments but worth it for us we only wish we had have gone with our gut sooner and got him help earlier it would have been so much easier for us all. If you think you need help with him don't be afraid to ask for it We felt like the worse parents in the world but neither is or our son could control it.
Thanks girls, no he is pretty much naughty all the time, at home he has broken 2 of my 50 inch tvs, a few of my phones, a ipad. I cant have anything breakable in his reach. Its like hes still 12 months old. He chucks hugs tantrums if he does not get what he wants. Could it still be autism even if he has reached all milestones like talking etc. He is actually quiet advanced for his age in speech. I always was under the impression that kids with autism went backwards or were behind in their milestones (i might be wrong though) I definitely need to see a paediatrician though, im in sydney do you ladies know a good one?
27.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I agree with liz my son has Autism and he behaves exactly how you described. He is 2 and is so hard to take anywhere, we went out to lunch a few months ago and he threw his plate of food across the table at his great grandmas face cause he was cranky ?
Make an appointment with your gp and have a chat
It is a spectrum! At one end are the really quite delayed people and the other end there are people who are geniuses (savants) and there's a whole bunch of people in between.
My ss 9 is asd high functioning and he also has Spd. He is a very intelligent little chap who met all his milestones no worries.
At 2 the behaviour you describe is fairly normal because they don't know how to express themselves. It was more around 4-5 when we noticed issues with our girl because that is when they are expected to fit in somewhat to a norm at school or kinder etc.
Any form of punishment is non effective if she is really hyped up. Our trick is to get her to stop before she gets to that point. Medication helps.
Trauma doesn't help. It increases the behaviours.
Destruction is a part of it she ruins everything which is so disheartening!