Sarah Renee
Sarah Renee
Have any of you had a baby natural after first was a csection? I want this baby to come naturally my first had to b csection due to complications and they told me if I waited 2 years I could probably have my baby naturally or as a (Vbac) I wanna hear your experiences

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@ladyblauvelt.skysmomma, yeah I told mine I want a vbac to I got into a car accident it stressed us out and caused her water bag to rush
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
That's what I'm hoping for this time too. I had to have my son via csection because I was in labor for almost 2 days and his head eventually ended up crooked so I couldn't push him out, he was only 8lbs 7oz but had a huge head lol. This time my doctor just wanted to go straight to another csection at 39 weeks but I told him I really preferred a chance at a vbac and he told me I could try but he doesn't want me going past 41 weeks in case the baby gets too big so I have a scheduled repeat csection for 3 days after my due date so hopefully my body and baby cooperates this time.
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I had a successful vbac 3.5 years after my c-section. My 1st was 10lb 3oz and my 2nd was 6lb 5oz thank God.
My obs refuse to induce or augment vbac labors so I had to do it on my own
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My sister had her first as a c section and her next baby like 16 months later a vbac
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’ve had two successful vbacs :) Had a csection with my first due to suspected macrosomia (they thought he was too big to have naturally, and he ended up being 10 lb 9 1/2 oz). The surgeons said that if I’d tried to have him naturally, he’d almost definitely be brain dead because he would have been stuck (I’m not a very large person). My vbacs were wonderful first was just a few days over 18 months later, and my second was 2 1/2 years after that. My water broke after a membrane sweep with my first vbac so they did have to start some pitocin since I wasn’t contracting, and my vbac was successful even though he was face up. My second was an induction, but I was already several cm dilated (they wanted to get my daughter out before she got too large and needed another csection—8 lb 14 oz at 39 weeks). Best of luck to you! I’m so thankful for my vbac experiences and hope you get yours as well!
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My cousin had her baby naturally no meds after a year and 5 months of having a csection.
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
That's my goal this time as well! And as of right now tomorrow I'll be 37 weeks, I am right on track and my body has started to do what it needs to. Good luck with your vbac journey!
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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