I’m so sick, I feel awful. I have a sinus infection and a fever despite Tylenol. I have an autoimmune diseases and when I get an infection it can bc very serious. I think I’m going to have to go on abx and I’m so scared. Has anyone safely taken antibiotics at 8wks? Also I ran out of PIO in sesame oil and my re’s office gave me ethyl oleate (the synthetic) it burned horribly going in and now I have a MASSIVE lump that is red and warm to the touch. So I’m worried I have cellulitis on top of my sinus issue. Going to call the MFM tomorrow morning...

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My immunologist put me on Augmentin DS twice a day. I looked it up and it’s category B in pregnancy. I’m anxious but I know I have to take it
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I wrote this in the chat but that thing is so hard to follow ... Sorry you’re not feeling well. There are antibiotics that are safe for pregnancy, so go to doctor and they will know how to diagnose and treat you if necessary .
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I am praying you feel better! I didn’t have to take any meds that early on but if the doc clears it I’m sure it’s ok. I know we have our own set of paranoid thoughts but Lo will be fine. They had a shortage a while back (pio in sesame) and I had the pio in olive oil, maybe ask for that version, it felt identical. Try and get some rest, Tylenol doesn’t do anything for my body, I’m sure there is something they can give you. I had cellulitis with my first pregnancy at about 16wks. I dug through my medicine cabinet but I can’t remember what it is they gave me. Sorry! Just drink plenty of water and I’m hoping you feel better quickly!
21.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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