How do you sahm's deal with the lash back from other moms that are in school or working? It's tearing me down a bit. "I could never rely on a man to support me."
I cut out ppl in my life that are that degrading.. the rest? Well, limit your exposure to that if you cannot brush it off. You don’t need some random stranger validating what you do. People need to learn how to respect one another.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Being a mom is deff a job just like its a job to maintain a house and go to work.
I feel your pain. My grandma always used to tell me how lucky I was to not have a job while my husband made the real money, and is now telling me how I'm loading too much onto my olate because I have a part time job that I take my kid/s to. I just cant ever win with that woman.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thankfully I have a hard working husband and his income alone carry’s us. And he works away usually gone 9 days Home for 5 I find most people are jealous and envy the fact that I get to stay home. I have a son is school too. If I did work right now my entire pay would go to child care. I’ll wait until babe is potty trained.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
That sounds tough. I would do my best to ignore what people say. I’m sure you take her out when ever you can and you make it fun for her at home.
I would get into a hobby at home for yourself. Just to give you something nice to do to pass the time. I used to sew and I made my daughter a cute floral dress before she was born. Can’t wait till she’s big enough to wear it!?I want to get back into it very soon and make her more clothes.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m guessing they are just jealous. I have a great job but if I didn’t have student loans I would definitely stay home. It’s the hardest and most important job there is!
I bring my child out places. I have really bad social anxiety/ anxiety in general and sometimes I can't physically handle being around people. Not alot of people understand that either. I get called down over that too because my curtains are always drawn and doors are always locked and people keep saying it's going to cause depression but hasn't. It's how I feel comfortable. Or I get the whole I'm ruining my child because some days mommy can't deal with people and it's going to damage her.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I had a friend that started having a kids a few years after me and would always make comments about how she could never stay home because she couldn’t deal with not contributing to the family, and that she would feel horrible being so lazy. Because you know, staying home and taking care of your kids, household, and husband is surely not contributing and your obviously lazy for doing so ? then she decided to stay home after her third was born, she made comments of how boring it was going to be. Then she was a few months in and came to me crying saying that this was the hardest job of her life. I wanted to say ya no shat.
Not to mention I'm also watching one of their kids while the moms in school. The way I look at everything is im a stay at home mom yeah but I don't get to call in sick. They can call in sick at work and still drop their kids off at daycare. I can't. I still have to do everything I normally do in a day.
The one who's kid I'm watching flat out said she would never put her kid in a daycare and if she had to she would just not work. I don't have the same type of family support she does and daycare would be my only choice if I went to work. My husband and I decided i would stay home because he's gone all the time and it's not fair for our child to never see her father and only see mom a couple hours a day. When people tear it down I always say how blessed I am that we can afford for me to do it. It's just frustrating when I'm called down about it when I do so much in a day.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’d literally tell them to eat sh*t and that I’m glad I can spend every minute with my child. I don’t care what anyone thinks about being a stay at home Mum. I love it and it works for my family.
As for dealing with your husband not being there for so long, do you have friends and family to visit? Local play groups? Any hobbies you like? Connect with other Mums in your area. Don’t just stay at home, I know how lonely it gets, go out and have fun with your little ones.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Growing up I remember my mom leaving us with different people all the time. You'd think we were too little to remember but I do. Most of the people watching my brothers and I didn't even really watch us or care for us like they should have been. They just wanted the money.
This is why I'm thankful I can stay home with my kids and not leave them with random strangers who won't give the same care I would to my kids. You have the most important job right now. Don't forget that.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
My older kids were in school for several years before I had ds. I was still just as busy. I volunteered at their school, still had to clean the house, so the shopping, cook, etc. Just because they were in school didn’t mean I could just sit on my a$$ all day long. I still had plenty of responsibilities. I don’t care what anyone else has to say.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Technically, no it's not a job. You can't apply for a new one and put on a resume that you were a mom for so many years.
Is it hard? Yes. I've done it. I've stayed home with my children and have gone to school and taken care of my children. I do what I have to do to care for them and our household. Just like working moms or stay at home moms or moms who go to school.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
They are most likely jealous/envious that they can't be a SAHP. ? Like others said already, ignore them and hold your head up high. It's awesome being able to raise your children yourself! You save money in daycare costs, so that's how I compare it to being a job?
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I remind myself that they ain't paying our bills. ?
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Op it is a job, its exhausting. Ignore them and focus on your own life because at the end of the day thats the only one you have control over. You are doing great!
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
No that's not modern day feminism. Feminism is about equality. It means a woman cam choose family or career or both it means men can stay home with their kids without being looked down on. Yes there are crazy feminists HOWEVER do not disparage an entire necessary movement because of the few radicals. This ideal that being a stay at home parent is because this country believes if you arent working you are lazy. Thats capitalism not feminism.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
there was this girl on Facebook that made like 10 post about how easy it is to be a mom. you can choose to stay at home and get county. but if you don't have kids you have to work for your money. I was so mad because that is not true at all. being a parent is hard work. I been a sahm for about 2 months now and I feel just as tired and worn out as I did when I was working.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ignore them. I've been blessed to be a SAHM for 9 years now and I've only had 2 people make comments. I don't give a fack what people think. It's what's best for my family and no one else get to decide that for me.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
i would give anything if i could stay home i pay over half my income in daycare BUT i couldn't get by without the other half im sure we could scrape by but that's tough. i dont get any assistance of any kind. i choose to work that's my decision sahm's in my opinion are lucky that they get the opportunity. don't listen to ppls crappy attitudes
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
That’s modern day feminism for you. Do they wear pink pussyhats?
I’m proud that I stay home and raise my kids. I wouldn’t gaf what anyone thinks about it.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
But in all honesty, you are doing what you need to do. Some people may say it out of jealously, others because they simply couldn't handle it. A lot of people go stir crazy and need to work, but that doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong. I'm blessed by God to be able to stay home with my baby. I couldn't imagine leaving her, I am so grateful everyday. Does that mean we depend on our husbands? No. I raise my child and make my home. He pays the bills. We just have different responsibilities but without each other our equation wouldn't work. Just remember you are doing an amazing job. Instead of tearing other mom's down we need to be picking each other up. You are a rockstar momma!
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Just tell them to sit and spin ??
In all seriousness though, it’s tough. People don’t really understand what it’s like being a SAHM until they become one and realize that it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. It’s a lot better if you can find a local SAHM group so you can have some people who can relate somewhat to your situation. If they keep giving you slack though, tell them if they have such an issue with it to hire your house a personal chef, housemaid, nanny, and driver service so you can go and be a productive citizen in their eyes. ??
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Being a SAHP isn’t a job, it’s a calling. It’s thankless work 24/7 and it takes a special sort of very dedicated person to do it.
16.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ignore them. They have no right to say anything about your life. You take care of your family, that's the only thing you should worry about. Don't stress on opinions that don't matter.