just gonna rant here.
So. I care for my cousins small baby while she's in school. Not mandatory to be there or anything for the first month as long as she gets her work done. Not the point. I mentioned to her that I'm not sure how long I can care for her child as I'm planning on going back to school I mentioned it's going to be done at home for the first year or so aside from tests and such and my child is able to play in the livingroom while I sit in the kitchen. And do my work since I can just stand up from the table and peek at her and such. She told me that she's only gone 5 or so hours a day and that I can still watch her child but do my school work after. He's a breastfed baby and I can't even put him down without him getting angry. How is that even fair? I'm only obligated to watch one child. My own. She also told me when I mentioned it that she'll just move out too then. I'm a stay at home mom and it seems like everyone just assumes I do nothing all day and they can pawn their children off on me. When I start school between housekeeping and taking care of my child while doing my school work having meals prepped and made and going to hand in modules and going in for tests and finals and such AND having a small baby attached at the hip I'm not going to have any time for myself....