Courtney Larocque
Courtney Larocque
Getting a breastfed baby to take a bottle

Okay. So I've taken on caring for my nephew during the day. He's breastfed. My cousin wants to get him to take a bottle so that it's easier for someone else to care for him. I don't like the idea of having to feed him baby cereal all day every day because I'm huge on milk being number one for babies. How would I get him to take the bottle? It breaks my heart to hear his little cries because he wants the boob and auntie doesn't have that.

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??‍♀️ call me cruel but ds is 6 months on Thursday and doesn't take a bottle but I go to school full time. He has to figure it out. He flat out refuses. Nobody likes to take him when I have class but I can't bring him with me. We need me to finish school to help provide for our family
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I'm pretty sure it's the bottle. She's against formula feeding. Completely tore me apart for making that choice for my daughter. (She's had an easy bf journey) ripped me apart saying I didn't try literally everything under the sun every woman if they are determined can breastfeed.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Are you sure it's the bottle he's protesting and not the pumped milk? Some babies won't drink pumped milk because of the taste and the fact that they want it straight from the boob. Has the mother shown interest in trying formula? Since she is not pumping regularly, maybe it'd be worth a try. At only 6 months old he really does need more milk and not so much cereal. Maybe suggest that to her.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
This baby is 6 months old.
This mom had 6 months to get it figured it. She knew she was going back to work(if that’s what she’s doing). She should not have left it up to the babysitter to figure out what to do. She should have had this sorted out before relying on a babysitter.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
@pp where I am we have a year of paid maternity leave. My cousin has just chosen to start school now for whatever reason. Also. She lives with us for dirt cheap as well. I wouldn't exactly use cruel to describe it but personally I would never be able to leave my small human without a way to properly be fed.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Pp cruel is an extreme word of choice. I was fortunate enough to have a SO to provide for us, so I wouldn't have to work and leave my baby that wouldn't take a bottle. I had class once a week, and that was the only time I ever got a sitter because who wants to watch a baby cry? But not all mom's can just quit their job in this situation, and I'm sure they feel bad enough about leaving.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Have her sort of train him. When breastfeeding, she should try slipping a bottle into his mouth. And keep him on the boob until he'll take it without struggle. Like head on boob with bottle in mouth.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I mean, it DOES seem cruel of the mom.
I’d never leave my baby with no means of eating. ??‍♀️

Mom should have had him/her transitioned BEFORE getting a sitter.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Pp that’s uncalled for. Calling her cruel. What if she can’t stay? Has to work or go to school, because our maternity leave sucks and she needs money to survive? Not everyone has a luxury to stay home with the baby until they eat solids or start preschool.

It’s all trial and error, he should be able to take something at some point. My son only took chea 1 $ bottle from Walmart because it had a simplified nipple. He completely ignored 20$ fancy bottles. It’ll take time...
baby also might reverse his feeding schedule and eat a lot at night from the breast and sleep during the day
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Jesus this sounds cruel on mom’s part!! I would never send my baby somewhere or leave him if he couldn’t take a bottle. Even at night, when we have gotten sitters, we were close enough in case he wanted nothing to do with the bottle if by chance he woke up. Since, he has taken it a handful of times.

On another note- Dr. Browns bottles are the only one that have worked. Even though it’s not breast nipple shaped. the ones that were supposed to be good for breast transitioning- were unsuccessful.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I spent sooo much money on different bottles and had multiple people try. Sometimes baby just won't cave. Dd's pediatrician said she'd make up for it when I got home, and she did. Hopefully your nephew isn't quite as stubborn, but sometimes there's nothing you can do. Dd refused until she was almost a year, and I had very limited help with her because of it. No one wants to watch a crying baby that refuses to eat. ?
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yeah it's really upsetting to me rught now I have him for 5 ish hours but Thursday and Friday will be 8 hours each and the poor baby wants nothing to do with anything.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Good luck. Neither of my kids would take a bottle. You can maybe try out the different special bottles for breastfed babies but I'll go ahead and say I tried the minbie bottle I think is what it's called and it didn't work for my dd2. But you probably just have to buy a bunch of different bottles and try them which isn't cheap but if it worked it would be worth it. There is no way I would just send my baby off without milk or the ability to drink it. My kids were watched very minimal times during the exclusive breast day's and occasionally I think they would take a sip or 2 from a silly cup with a soft tip. But I was never gone from them long enough for it to really be an issue.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I've tried to syringe feed but he spits it all out. Same with cup and spoon feeding. I think he's just about 6 months old but unfortunately I've just taken on caring for him and can't go against his mother. She's agreed to let me do everything I can to get him on a bottle but nothing has worked especially since she's not very helpful with it. Half the time she forgets her breast pump at home or just doesn't pump anything. My basic plan is to just try to get him to at least take what she leaves me for milk from either a bottle or whatever I can get him to take and then give him as little cereal as possible. My daughter didn't have her first taste of food til she was 8 months and it was never meals of food just little bits of our food we were eating. Around here it seems like the norm to give babies food for meals from 5 months on and cut down on bottles which is quite sad but I'm not the mother.

I also never had the problem with getting a child to take a bottle as my breasts starved my child and as soon as a bottle touched her lips for the first time she guzzled it back. ?
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
It’s just trial and error unfortunately.
My daughter would take a Doctor Browns bottle of breastmilk. But never any other type.
My son on the other hand NEVER took a bottle in his entire life. He would just scream and cry.

I’d definitely not recommend cereal especially if he’s under 6m old. If at all

You can syringe feed him breastmilk if nothing else.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
You may need to try different types of bottles. Also, it could help to run warm water over the nipple so it’s body temp. You can try giving it to Lo for the first feeding of the day when lo is usually most hungry. They also suggest pumping a fresh bottle when Lo is learning so it not being fresh doesn’t weird Lo out.
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
How old is he?
What bottles have you guys tried?
09.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
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