Eva Schultz
Eva Schultz
Dentist !

Hi Mamas! Has anyone not taken their kiddo to the dentist yet? I've asked my dentist and I've even called a paediatric dentist in the area, and both of them said the first visit won't be until he can sit properly and follow instructions (closer to 3). I've recently noticed some discolouration on one of my son's front teeth and now I'm all worried. We do brush, but we've been using a flourish free toothpaste which now I'm reading we should be using fluoride. I do let him have a bottle before bed. ????

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Oh good I’m so glad you were able to get him in somewhere!
07.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mrskiddish thanks so much for the info! I'm trying hard to get rid of the bottle. We have been letting him have a bottle when he lays down. He usually drinks it all (it's about 5oz) and then throws the bottle out of the crib. He has water in there as well. It's so hard to get rid of the bottle because he's so attached to it. We switched to a bottle at 18 months to wean from nursing and now this is just as hard ! I made an appointment with a paediatric dentist for him.
06.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Canada could totally have different guidelines but even still if you are concerned about possible decay you do not want to wait a year to have it looked at. Baby bottle syndrome is a major issue here in the us and is the main reason we started seeing kids so early so we could stop the source before it happens. Giving a bottle before bed is totally fine what causes issues is to allow the bottle to remain with the kiddo all night. The thing about demineralization or cavity formation is every single sip lowers the ph of the mouth for two hours. That lowered ph is what causes cavities. So basically if kids wake up and randomly take a drink all night then their mouth is constantly in an acid attack on their teeth. If at all possible try to give the bottle before bedtime then brush and give water through the night. Or even sneak in the room like a ninja and switch them out after he is sleeping lol. As a parent it is so hard to follow the rules or do what is “right” when your babies need something to be happy. I am a hygienist and I even struggle with following things by the book. Since becoming a parent my entire approach with parents/ patients has totally changed. We are all in survival mode!
04.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ava has been about 3 weeks without the binky. Part of me is proud of her for this the other part feels mean that we took it from her. Her personality has changed some since we took it. Really wish we hadn't of but we are sticking to our guns. We use the same toothpaste for her as us but just the teeniest tiniest bit so she gets used to it. And the bottle she gave up on her own back in September. Best wishes!!!
04.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
my pedi and dentist said to take Gabe around 18m but we haven’t yet since it’s more about getting comfortable. He brushes his teeth with water before bed. I would go cold turkey on the bottle in bed. We’re going to do that with his Paci next week when he turns two- say some prayers for me for strength lol maybe I’ll make a dentist appt for over the summer
03.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thanks ladies. I'm in Canada. I'm going to call tomorrow and try to get him in to a paediatric dentist. We brush his teeth morning and evening, but I have been letting him have a bottle in the crib with him. I'm trying to break that habit now though.

@xrystalroze we do give him a multivitamin with iron and he drinks it in his milk at daycare every day. So maybe that's what is causing the discolouration.
03.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
My Daugher has her first appt in March
02.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
MrsK- Thank you for the great advice. I haven't had Ava to the dentist yet either but she allows us to brush her teeth daily and likes to try herself. I got her a children's electric toothbrush for Christmas and now she loves brushing even more. Obviously have to brush for her with that one but her teeth are sparkling white. And we use grown up toothpaste with just the tiniest amount like you said.
Ems-As for the discoloration, does Davis use an iron supplement? Iron can cause discoloration to the teeth. I agree with MrsK. Regardless of recommendation, if you are concerned I would push to get him in. Better safe than sorry. Hope everything is ok!!!!!
02.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
Hey Dental Hygienist here ?. The current recommendation is at the sign of the first tooth or one year old. It’s really odd to me that your dentist particularly pediatric dentists aren’t following that guideline...if you are concerned about a discoloration then I would totally push to have your kiddo seen. Age 3 used to be the recommendation because prior to that we really can’t do much as most kids don’t cooperate. But with the major upswing in childhood decay they have since changed the recommendations. Most of those early appointments are about parent education and introducing the kids to the experience. In regards to fluoride, that can be a touchy subject. The current recommendation is to use a rice grain size of fluoride toothpaste two times a day and let them swallow it. The most important thing about fluoride at this age is that it is ingested and it works systemically. I would switch over to fluoride toothpaste if I were you. Also this is the recommendation regardless of if you are on fluoridated water or not. Side note...when I say recommendations I am referring to the current guidelines set by both the American dental association and the American academy of pediatrics. Not sure where you live.
01.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
We started at 6 months and go every 3 months now. Her insurance has this set up schedule set up.
01.01.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’ve gone twice before Emma even had teeth.. my insurance had said to schedule it after 6 months. Well there was nothing really they did tell me she was lip tie that I could’ve gone there to have it lasered made me sad because had i known that we could’ve latched and breastfed. I haven’t gone since and she’s over due for a visit. But if she does s let me get close to her mouth she will not let a complete stranger anywhere close... so i guess I’ll wait till she can sit still
31.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
We took our daughter when she was 15 months and 18 months.
31.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Been 3 times here but baby girl has an enamel defect on one tooth they are keeping an eye on.
31.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
My cousin in a dental hygienist at the office I want to take my son to. But im waiting til after he is 2. I figured it would be best to have someone he knows in his mouth
31.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
My dentist said also closer to 3 and no fluoride needed yet since we have fluoride in the water.
31.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes we have been twice, at 16 months and then last month. The second time he was better but still cried a little. They don't do much it's more to have them get used to it. But I went because we still do a bottle at bedtime and I was worried about early cavities.
31.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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