Eva Schultz
Eva Schultz
High needs / spirited toddler

Does anyone else have a "high needs" or "spirited" kid? Davis has always been high needs, and always given me a run for my money. He's high energy, intense emotions, persistent, obstinate/ strong willed. I won't lie, I'm exhausted / frustrated all the time, and I have always been jealous of my friends with "easy" babies.

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Hyper in the womb, high needs baby, intense toddler. We are still in the same boat ?. They haven't changed a bit, they've just grown! On a bright note they're extremely intelligent.
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thanks Crystal! That really does sound like Davis. I always say that he's "too smart for his own good"!. FOMO is "fear of missing out". He loves to be a part of everything, so he hates going to bed. I'm going to look into some other ways to help encourage / challenge him.
19.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Hey Ems. Idk what FOMO is but perhaps he needs more detailed intellectual stimulation to challenge his mind in addition to the physical play time. You say he is intense. Perhaps he is highly intelligent but doesn't yet know how to understand or express what his interests or desires are. I have a friend who's daughter is like that. Able to have complete adult like conversations at two and a half but doesn't always understand how to express herself bc she is "too smart for her own good", but has the typical energy and emotions for her age. She can "get out of hand" if the adults around her don't recognize her need to challenged and spoken to directly. Hope this somehow helps. I can't think of anything else. Hugs momma.
19.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
He spends quite a lot of time outside during the week at daycare. They go to the park, a friends pool, and the library as well. He is just very persistent in whatever he does. When he wants something, he makes it known, and tantrums when he doesn't get his way. It's impossible to take him out for dinner or anything because he just won't sit. He wants to get down and walk around. He has a serious case of FOMO lol especially at bed time. He never wants to go to bed and wants to continue reading books all night. He hates the car, though he has improved a little bit. He will tolerate it for about 30-45 minutes now. He's very smart, and very good at vocalizing his wants and needs, and he's very loving and sweet, he's just INTENSE all the time lol.
18.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Ava is up and going morning to night but she is a "calm energetic" if that makes sense. She keeps me on my toes but once she is tired, and she's quite predictable, it's easy to put her to bed. She was a crazy little person at the library today though. Caught me off guard and I didn't know what to think. Hope it gets better for you momma's.
17.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes if we don't keep him but busy it's like a bomb goes off! Lots of outside time. Luckily he has found a new love for paw patrol and will sit in his room for quiet time
17.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son is always outside, at the park, swimming or at his library group and such. When we get home hes still running and when I finally sit for a min he will grab my hand and say
17.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Emma is bad ?? she never listens, she screams high pictched likes to climb on things, plays with the toilet, likes to climb onto the toilet and on the sink and mess with everything on the counter.. my SO has 4 kids and says by far Emma is the baddest of them all ??
16.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Can't fully relate but my heart goes out to you! What kinds of activities do you do with your boys? Do they get much outdoor time to burn off the energy? Has that helped? Hope things get better for you both!
16.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Same here. My mom and MIL who watch him while I work both say hes a nut job lol and they dont understand how he has so much energy and determination for a kid his age. I try quiet time with books to calm him but he only last a couple pages. He listens well, is a good kid and to me I think pretty smart so Im not sure how to handle his high energy. Everyone who hasnt watched him say hes just being a boy. But Im not so sure ?.. and yes same here too Im just exhausted all the time and drink alot of caffeine.
16.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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