In our school district and most around me a child who has special services like speech as minimal as it is they qualify for special ed. So that is why I said if in special ed they will receive an iep. I should have said if they receive special services they will get an iep and that just determines the goals for the child.
I hope that makes sense.
18.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm in Canada and my son has apraxia and no iep he doesn't qualify apparently he barely gets speech at school we pay privately
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
That's what I thought I read too?
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@Mm - Sorry, my comment was directed @anne; it sounded like she said only students with special ed services have an IEP.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes , my 14 year old has always had an IEP and received speech with no additional special education services.
Edit : I may have misunderstood pp comment.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Students with speech services provided by the school absolutely are on an IEP.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
PP not always true. My 3 1/2 year old is in head start with an IEP. He doesn't receive any special education other than getting pulled for speech. My son is on track with everything else. He still has a little ways to go though. I've definitely seen a difference being around other children. He talks a lot but, most of it isn't understandable. Sometimes he will blurt out easy sentences. He's received 2 sets of tubes and had his adenoids removed. What's crazy is everything I'm dealing with I dealt with my 14 year old. The only difference is my 3 1/2 year old is a little more advanced at this age. He's been potty trained since 3 but still needs a pull up in case at night.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 6 1/2 year old just graduated today from speech therapy. It has been 5 years of speech for him. He was always in the "normal" preschool and kindergarten classes, but he had his speech teacher on the side. He would just get pulled from class for a little bit to work on his speech.
Edit: when they are in special ed they get an iep which determines their goals.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thank you so much MmGarcia and Letty. It really does help talking to ladies with the experience. Yaya has helped as well with her great advice in other posts. Like you mentioned Letty, my boy isn't close to being potty trained either. My goal of having experience preschool seems to be getting fainter. I know some are okay with not potty trained, but they are more expensive.
I am curious if any of you lovely ladies kids have other tics, or development delays? My boy is super affectionate, great eye contact, but he does stimming and lines up toys a lot.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
It is interesting how it does seem boys are more speech delayed compared to girls, as pp stated in her comment. I read that else where. I wonder what the statistics are? I got really down on myself when my mom brought up how she thinks my oldest- the 3.5 year old- has stalled in development. How my 17 month old is much more advanced, and my sister's two girls are way ahead. Her girls are 2.5 and 5 years. It hurts hearing that. I want to get my son evaluated, just scared what they would say I suppose. At the same time, I look forward to his appointments to get him on the right track. Thanks for all the information so far, ladies. It helps.
@Xavier I blamed myself for soo long . My son is not potty trained and I get crap from people all the time that I'm not doing good enough. I can't force my child to go potty or talk people just don't understand.
My son is almost 4 and still can't form sentences. He's getting an evaluation next week all his paperwork says special education not IEP.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Not my kids, but my two younger brothers had speech problems. I don't know how things are now, but my mom was told she needed to place my brothers in special education classes to have them succeed in school. It was a really tough choice for her. They spoke they're own language till about 7 and we're in speech therapy as well. They stayed in special education classes till they were in 8th/9th grade when the eldest asked to be taken out. Turned out they were both ready and the school allowed them to. They're 18 and 17 now and are amazing kids getting ready for college.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son had a terrible bout of seizures, has never had them before or after this one time, but the result was catastrophic to his development. He was 16 months old and had a handful of words and phrases, was walking and hitting milestones. Afterword he had to relearn everything, walking, talking and then we found out he lost hearing in one ear so we did speech therapy for a couple of years and that helped tremendously. In kindergarten he had to take speech because some blended sounds he has trouble with. He's in first grade this year and while you can almost tell he had no speech issues the school wanted to continue one class a week this year, which I was fine with. I think with my school it is just an assessment from year to year, if you even wish it, and it did help.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I work in sped. You get a new IEP every year however they are only reevaluated ever 3 years.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
My daughter got diagnosed with sound system processing disorder at 3 1/2 she only attends class for speech 2 days a week for 30 minutes. Next year in kindergarten she will leave class for that time and attend speech and then return. She is in Special education and had an IEP. Speech only kids hardly ever have sped classes. That is for kids with speech issues and other like ohi, id, asd, and any of the 10 diagnosis.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
If you are only talking about a speech delay while he might get an individualized education plan (IEP) with speech therapy or accommodations its unlikely it would lead to being in a contained special classroom or something as extreme as that.
As a PP said IEPs are reviewed annually and if progress has been made towards goals- accommodations and services are altered. If again speech is the only issue and progress is made in meeting goals and benchmarks this is generally is an area where students eventually grow out of needing an IEP for.
However, speech delays as a young child can lead to reading problems or delays depending on what the speech problems are. So it may mean that there are additional needs as they enter kindergarten and early grades to assist with reading that would require the IEP to remain in place with different goals and accommodations.
ETA- I'm in NY.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I know how you feel pp. I've dealt with this with my 14 year old and now 3.5 year old. They say it's more common in boys.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Following...Late walker and late talker? My boy is 3.5 years old and loves to babble. He has a decent amount of words, understands simple instructions, but struggles with sentences or expressing himself. His appointment for a neurologist is coming up, so is his pediatrician's. I hope to get some good news. It's so hard not to blame yourself. I struggle with this everyday.
17.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Here in AZ at the age of 3 it's through the school system. They receive an IEP and attend speech 1 or 2 times a week. If it effects them academically then they do receive special education in whichever area is needed. Their IEP is reviewed annually and modified at that time.
I hope that makes sense.