Not sure if I should be concerned about weight loss or not.. have had incredibly bad morning sickness, on prescription medication. These pictures are taken 2 weeks apart :/
I've lost about 15lbs since the start of my pregnancy :/ my doctor hasn't mentioned my weight but she has been monitoring bub and i weekly (had some bleeding a couple of weeks ago).
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
If your doctor is okay with your weight try not to stress. I'm at 88 pounds. I only weighed 92 before I got pregnant. Got down to 85 with the severe vomiting and nausea. I started taking medication at night, prenatal Gummi in the AM. Ensure helped because when I couldn't hold anything on my stomach, I'd let my ensure get super cold and turn it up. I hope you're feeling better and your weight is ok. Im at 14 weeks 3 days.
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
You were thin to begin with, so the weight loss is very noticeable. Have you spoken to your doctor about it? Hopefully the morning sickness will get better and you'll be able to eat more!
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
As long as your doctor says you're okay don't stress.
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Me personally I would be concerned. It looks like you have lost a significant amount of weight and I would be worried about my baby's development and it getting the nutrients it needs. I would try drinking ensure and things like that to get anything possible to stay down and help with some weight gain.