
if a woman gets pregnant, but doesn't want the baby, she can abort and some support that decision..

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Like others have said: life isn't fair. If you have sex, you know even with protection, a child can be created.

Woman who used abortion as a birth control disgust me and I think they should penalized Everytime they use it for such reason (and i don't care if someone thinks I'm wrong for that. A woman knows the consequences of getting pregnant and also knows what has to be given up). And in that moment your body is no longer just yours. Medical is totally different.

Men who use the "I don't want kids" as an excuse also disgust me. Because they can get more woman pregnant in one month using that lame brain excuse. And if the woman decides to keep the baby, then she is now doing her part. I understand it seems wrong that men get shamed but why would any think it's okay for a man to walk away leaving the CHILD to suffer just because they didn't want children. That's sick thinking!! Plus you have a whole 9 months to sign rights over so....

My husband and I were not wanting to bring a child into the world and no we weren't doing anything to prevent which we knew our chances would've be higher and guess what we stepped up to our responsibility. Now we wouldn't change having him for anything. And if my husband would've decided to walk away fine. Rights would've been given to me fully (also he couldn't fight to try and get them if he did so and he totally agreed). And if he needed something I would ask that he provide before I had to go to assistance (again he agreed to that). So he wouldn't have gotten off Scott free.
26.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
In no way am I against adoption, in fact my husband and I would love to adopt. Katy brought it up so I responded. Are mothers who never try or never want to parent selfish to me? Yes!
Personally I have seen many babies put up for adoption out of pure selfishness. (I was working at a crisis pregnancy center) Mothers simply not wanting to give up their drugs! Or the ever popular "I want what's best for the baby, I would never make a good parent. My life is more important to me. But you guys can help me get pay while I'm pregnant right?"
? So yes, I do think a mother being so selfish as to not even try to get her life together to be mom is very sad. I know not all cases are like that, but there is no need to glamorize it and make it seem like every birth mother is a victim. That just isn't true or reality.
Maybe I'm also opinionated on the subject because of what I've seen.
On one hand I'm incredibly thankful there are little ones given the chance to have a loving happy family. On the other hand, we have an incredibly selfish individual who (in many cases) never even made the effort. That 100% could have been amazing mothers, but, they didn't want to...Sure, I guess from one angle it's part selfless to give up a baby, but that isn't the whole picture.
24.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Pro life for me.....No other choices it's not your body your deciding for it's another human beings no matter the way he/she was made. Just my opinion though.
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@xox, Sinclair said adoption was selfish.
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I only skimmed the comments so I may have missed it.... but did anyone say they were against adoption? I thought this post was merely on a woman choosing to abort and a man opting out of being a parent due to selfish reasons.

Going through an entire pregnancy knowing you won't keep the baby, but instead give him/her the opportunity to have a prosperous life is totally different. Probably the most selfless thing a woman could do.
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
While I wouldn't put my children up for adoption myself, I think many of you who are against it should be more realistic. I'd rather have an infertile couples dreams come true by adopting a child than to have unfit parents raise a child they didn't want. Children are our future and the way they are raised is very important. I for one, don't want someone to raise a child poorly just because they gave birth and were then expected to take responsibility. There are parents who do drugs, don't have patience, aren't capable of caring for themselves, alcoholics, workaholics, sociopaths, and even people with mental or physical disabilities. These people may not be cut out to raise a decent member of society. But you're telling me that you'd rather they raise the kid anyway and leave a perfectly happy and stable couple childless because no one should put their child up for adoption? That's so wrong.
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
i didn't know this has been posted before and i'm not defending deadbeats ?
just genuinely curious what everyone's thoughts on it were and i'm interested in all of your answers
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I don't personally believe in abortion, but I won't tell a woman she can't have one. But, I would never have 1. I believe that once I see that positive test, I'm carrying another life inside me that is completely innocent, and dependent on me for survival. How could I abort? Also, if a man truly doesn't want kids, he can take steps to make sure he doesn't get a woman pregnant. Like a vasectomy. If he doesn't want to do that, then maybe don't sleep with every woman he comes upon. He shouldn't just rely on her getting an abortion.
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
If a child is born, the people who created it are responsible to support him/her.
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
There are many ways to raise a child in today's world and they don't all fit in the traditional "mom and dad" role. Life can be messy, but in that mess, it can be beautiful.

I have friends that are single that adopted kids. They chose the route of a single parent and there isn't a secondary parental role model. I have friends that are gay/lesbian and adopt babies so there isn't a traditional man/woman role model necessarily. I have single dads in my life where the moms walked away, and single moms where the fathers did. I have friends that are both still together but toxic for each other, ones that coparent like bosses and ones that are blessed with a happy and healthy marriage. I have friends that have had abortions, given babies up for adoption, or chosen to walk away and gave up their rights. Parenting doesn't fit into a box. I don't enjoy or support every choice people make, but I respect their rights to make their own life choices.

I am not a huge fan of abortion in most cases, but I respect the choice is not mine to make. I also respect that it isn't a decision that was made lightly.

My eldest had a father that decided he wasn't ready. He walked away. I tried to change his mind, but ultimately he didn't want to be a dad or family man. He wanted to be a bachelor, a marine and not have to worry about a family. I let him walk away. It is what he wanted.

I didn't want an abortion. I wanted my son and I knew while not my "ideal" situation, sometimes life throws us curveballs. I worked my ass off as a single mom so he wouldn't be without. He had positive male role models in his life still, and I began dating my husband while he was very young. He is now 11 and his bio father signed his rights away, and a petition for my husband to adopt my son since that's the father he knew. Takes more than sex to be a father in my opinion.

While I don't agree with my ex fiancé with his choices and sudden change of mind and heart, I respected it and didn't force him. My son is happy, healthy and knows about everything. He doesn't feel like he's missed out and he isn't interested in meeting his bio dad, he considers my husband his dad.

My ex? Well he's been serving our country and/or fighting in the war for most of that 11 years. He has been on several high risk missions. He is living his dreams and is trying to do his part of humanity. It is his life and he's fighting for the freedom of our country, that's his legacy. I on the other hand, went on to have four more sons and am living the lifestyle I wanted. I am raising good little humans, and that's the legacy I wanted to leave behind.

Not much that is worth anything fits in a neat box 100%. I am sure some people don't agree with his decision, and I am sure some don't agree with my decision to let him walk away. However, they were our choices to make and I am satisfied with how those choices played out for us all. That's what matters.
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Don't have sex if you don't want to deal with the consequences. Easy as that!
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
It seems we have opposing convictions on the subject. I view abortion as directly avoiding responsibility, in an incredibly selfish way. Getting pregnant isn't like someone just dropped a baby at your door, or in your body and you had no part in it. It isn't like suddenly coming down with a cold...Having unprotected sex is a choice...
Also, if the individual was truly responsible in the first place, they wouldn't have become pregnant unintentionally. (Rape, and genuinely "failed" contraception aside) There is no dancing around the subject or pretty way of painting it.

As far as terminating rights, I assume you are referring to adoption. Yes! That also is avoiding responsibility, and selfish on the part of the parent, who didn't want to parent or change their lifestyle. I'm not saying many children aren't better off with a new family, even if that is the case, that doesn't change the selfish action of the birth parent. Doesn't matter if "life isn't fair" or the timing wasn't perfect, choices we make have direct consequences and that doesn't justify irresponsibility or selfishness.
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@pp I never understand this debate either. It's like saying it's not fair the sky is blue. My favourite colour is purple!
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
My opinion is that no matter what you choose to do, someone is always going to have a negative opinion about it.

I had more negative opinions about KEEPING my first child against everyone's wishes, including the grandparents who love her ever so much.

I think what needs to be said here is that one option includes a life, and one doesn't. When you have an abortion, you don't have to be a parent anymore. But neither does the father. And usually when a person decides to have an abortion because they aren't ready for a child, it's a mutual decision by both parties involved.

Whereas birthing a child, and taking care of one is a much more difficult and long road. A child is innocent, and shouldn't be forced to go through the hardship of living without either parent.

I think it's better to look at it this way, either parent CAN decide to not parent anymore before or after birth. A mother can ALSO just walk away from her child and sign her rights away. As can the father. They can also both stay. But no matter what, that child should be taken care of to the best of both parent's abilities.
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@k.sinclair, abortion snd terminating rights are both very responsible.
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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