Curious about your experience transferring 2 embryos

I have my 3rd FET scheduled for March 22nd and we’re planning on transferring 2 embryos this time. For both of my previous FETs we only transferred 1 and both ended in miscarriages (at 6w and 7w). I’m hoping this time we get to bring home our rainbow baby.

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Thanks guys!! Y’all are the best! I’m really starting to feel at peace with the decision to transfer 2. I’m preparing myself for any outcome, but I’m hoping for the best. Which in this situation is my very own take hope rainbow baby. My transfer is in two weeks and I can’t wait!!

I’ve really loved reading everyone’s stories and experiences. And I’m so sorry for those of you who have experienced loss. That’s is a pain unlike any other. Baby dust to all!! ✨✨
15.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
2012 transferred 2, both implanted but lost one at 13 weeks, son was born happy and healthy ?
2015 transferred 2, none implanted :(
2016 transferred 2 both implanted and now have happy and healthy boy girl twins
I chose to transfer two every time. Good luck xx
13.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Fresh cycle April 2015 2 embies-chemical
FET May 2015 2 embies- dd

We’re doing another FET next month and I want to transfer 2 because of my age and the chances of pregnancy are higher but my Insurance changed their policy and will only pay for 1 embryo per transfer to decrease the chances of multiples because of the high risk in pregnancy.

Baby dust to us all
13.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
We transferred two and at our first ultrasound one had probably just died that day because it was measuring exactly 7 weeks. Those were our only two embryos and I always go into those ultrasounds expecting the very worst so to see the one strong beating heart was such a joy and relief I hardly even grieved the other. I just cried tears of joy that we had one. Honestly, I didn’t even think about it much and kind of blocked it out my whole pregnancy. I just told myself there must be a reason for it and was thankful that the baby passed sooner than later when the other baby could have been jeopardized. We all handle things differently but I guess my point is that after everything we go through one baby is such a huge miracle it will probably outweigh anything else.
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I completely get it.... My mind thinks.....if im transfering 2 i cant just hope for one because thats like saying you want one not to make it.. Its crazy i know... But i did a fresh and transfered 2 and have one beautiful baby boy!! Good luck!!
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I did a fresh transfer of two embryos and am almost 10 weeks with twins. My blasts were 5AA and 4AA
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Cshell: First off sorry to hear of your previous losses. You will get your rainbow baby soon! ?? ?

With my fresh cycle we transferred two and she’s 21 months going on 22. This time around we moved to a new state and the new RE wanted me to transfer one embryo for a FET due to issues with my last pregnancy, but due to both embryos in one straw we want to put them both back. There’d be one leftover and it’s not ideal according to my former embryologist to refreeze them because of stress. However there have been embryos that have survived the refreezing process. Maybe this time will be the same result or maybe it’ll be double. The embryos make the determination of continuing to divide, implant, develop and becoming a beautiful take home baby(s).

On a side note transferring two embryos increases your chances of becoming pregnant. Have you checked out SART scores yet for your clinic? This will give you an idea of how successful they stand with live births! ссылка
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
We had 4 transfers:

March 2015 fresh transfer of 1 embryo = BFN;
May 2015 FET of 2 embryos = 25 months old twins (g/b);
May 2017 FET of 2 embryos = BFN;
August 2017 FET of 2 embryos = currently 30 weeks with twins.
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thanks for the replies! We have definitely decided to transfer 2.. but honestly I’m not really comfortable with any of the possibilities. If we transfer one and it fails, I’ll be sad. Transfer one and miscarry, I’ll be sad. Transfer 2 and it fails, I’ll be devastated. Transfer 2 and one takes, I’ll be sad (and happy to have one). Transfer 2 and both take, I’ll be terrified, but ultimately I’m ok with having twins.

I know 2 is the right answer for us since we’ve had 2 failed pregnancies. But I was curious what other people have experienced. Normally my doctor has a strict 1 embryo policy, so I thought, but after our miscarriages he said he thought it would be best if we do 2 this next time.

Thanks again for the responses. We’ll see what happens in a few weeks.
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Hmm... if you think you won’t be able to handle losing one if you transfer 2, you have to accept that it can happen and be Ok with it. But remember, transferring two and getting one Baby is better than transferring 1 and getting none. At least it is for me. Also, if you ended up transferring one and miscarried and then transferred the other one and it took, I think the heartache with the single MC is worse than losing it in a form of a twin since you went through all the meds and process and ended up with nothing.
You’ve had two transfers that didn’t take so it’s a good chance you may end up with one... but you COULD get two too!!! At my clinic I think the rough percentage was 50% chance with 1 embryo and 75% chance with 2 embryos. Which means that you increase the chances of getting pregnant with 1 by about 25%. Twins rate is like 5-10% so not the most common but it does happen!!
Good luck!!!???
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I know most doctors will not do this, but mine agreed to let me transfer 3 in the past. The first FET of 3 I had resulted in twins initially, but one stopped developing at 6 weeks and the other one was my daughter. I’ve had another transfer of 3 since then and it resulted in a blighted ovum. All other transfers have been 2 embryos (4 transfers). I originally had 20 6-day embryos not genetically tested all from one IVF cycle. I now have 6 left.
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
We had 5 transfers of 2 embies.

2 failed
1 was chemical
2 ended in MC at 3 months

Transferring one is okay as long as your clinic has great success rate and your embryon is has good grade like a 5AA.
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
We transferred two embryos and had two babies the first two scans, and then baby A stopped growing. It honestly wasn’t as hard as my previous miscarriage of losing a singleton, because the heartbreak was paired with the excitement and joy of baby B still growing right on track. It was such a weird mix of emotions and still rough to go through, but not as difficult as when we were just expecting one and lost the one. Not sure if that makes sense.

I did think about our baby A while in the hospital after delivery and it’s weird to know exactly when a miscarried baby’s birthday would have been. And two days ago on timehop my first scan picture showing the two little babies came up ... and kind of put me in a funk the rest of the day wondering what life would look like with both babies here.

Overall I’m just thankful for our healthy baby and that we transferred two so that the one pregnancy gave us our baby girl.

I hope this insight helps a little! Good luck with your decision!!
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I have had a total of 4 transfers and I have transferred 2 embryos each time. I didn't mind if I got twins but thought my chances were higher of at least one embryo taking if I had 2 put back.

Fresh = bfn
FET = my Daughter
Fresh = mc of one embryo the other didn't take.
FET = my Son
12.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
My first fet I transferred 2 and only got pregnant with one but I miscarried her now my next transfer is scheduled this week we will be transferring two again. I rather have a chance or getting twins then a chance of none I feel like 2 is the answer for us. You have to choose what is best for you.
11.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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