That and when people tell you they are expecting and when you respond “omg that’s so exciting congrats! I’m so happy for you” and their response is “oh phew I was so scared to tell you”
17.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Your SIL sounds petty and hurtful.
I think we all know that stressing too much can cause delays, however just relaxing isn't easy and of course a lot of the time it's not enough.
17.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
It is one of my biggest pet peeves. "Just don't try so hard". Oh ok, well that's not really how science works, and I'm not just leaving it all up to "fate". They wouldn't say the same about planning a wedding or vacation. Come on!
17.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Preach ?? the only women who understand are all you lovely strangers on this app! ? my SIL calls me all the time thinking she is “accidentally” preggo, and she is well aware how long it takes me to get pregnant and how long we have been TTC. ??♀️ HELLO, where is your sensitivity? ?
17.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’ve been there! Ttc is not fun or easy. I’ve been trying to remain positive but it’s truly hard when it doesn’t happen month after month. Know you’re not alone in these thoughts! Wishing you the best!
16.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I understand! It definitely sucks and I hate hearing it will happen when it happens.. Or just stop thinking about it and it will happen.. when you have been trying for a long time and want so badly too be a mom it’s the only thing you can think about.. it’s hard not to think about it when you are surrounded by people with babies or are currently pregnant.. that’s why only a few people know I’m trying to get pregnant.. and a few of em have said those things but I just try and let it roll off my shoulders.. I pray we all get our bfps really soon ??????
16.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes!!! I hated hearing this! The worst was when a friend said to me “it’ll happen if it’s meant to be” or “everything happens for a reason” ?
16.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think the worst part for me is when it's people that HAVE had trouble conceiving and they just tell you to relax and it'll happen because that's how it happened for them after so many months. Like, don't you know what I'm going through here? Give me some compassion and support. Or at least pretend to!
Thanksssss girls for sharing your experience! It’s quite comforting to know that we all acknowledge and truly understand each other’s feelings.
Girls who are trying everything under their control should feel proud of themselves, because we don’t just leave it all to fate, we try our best.
So many of us cut cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and anything that may negatively affect our fertility. If anything, we should feel really proud of ourselves as this requires mind of steel!
16.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes yes yes! Drives me absolutely mad. Some of them didn't try at all and they try and talk to me like doing opks and temping is my downfall when I wouldn't have a chance if I didn't because of irregular cycles. Grrrrrr winds me up so much! X
16.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I know exactly what you mean. It irritates me so much! My sister in law has SIX kids, none of them planned and she always just tells me "I dont use anything because its really hard for me to get pregnant. I'm sure it will happen for you. Its just not the right time." I always just want to scream "Its obviously not that hard for you to get pregnant! You have 6 kids!!!" And my mother in law tells me "it will happen, just relax and enjoy this time." It makes me so mad because they just don't understand where I am coming from. They've never had a problem getting pregnant. I have always lived my life healthy and I'm still doing everything right and yet 3 years goes by and nothing.
That and when people tell you they are expecting and when you respond “omg that’s so exciting congrats! I’m so happy for you” and their response is “oh phew I was so scared to tell you”