We interviewed and found an affordable and wonderful sitter. I have it all set up for her when she comes. Kids are having dinner and watching a movie and all she needs to do is brush teeth and put to bed. I’m not a single mom, but i was really nervous to leave my kids with a sitter and it has worked out well ☺️
20.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes, I’ve had my own place except for the 2 months it took to get my ex out of my house when we split.
20.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I just don’t lol haven’t met anyone I’m super into that is patient with me never having a sitter. but maybe there’s a drop off child care center near you?
20.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
@nrj I'm taking business classes and for my project I actually created a 24/7 daycare to help lower income and single parent households lol. It's open all the time and affordable. Now to just actually make it a dream come true lol.
I just started talking to people on Tinder. I honestly didn't expect anything to pan out but it's not half bad ?
20.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I didn’t try until my kids were around 6&9 years old and that’s 6 years after the split. I wanted to make sure I recovered from the breakup fully and make sure I felt comfortable dating with kids first.
20.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I have no idea; I creep these posts for advice. I left my ex almost 3 years ago and haven’t had any prospects. I work and go to school part time, and my kids are now doing more social activities at the gym, so I’m never in a place to meet anyone, unless it’s a fellow parent at the gym. A longtime friend asked me out but I wasn’t interested. I just resolved myself that I’ll meet someone someday and find a way to fit him in my life if he’s worth it.
20.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh that’s really sad. Because not only has this child lost his father but now u too! I’m sure you’ve grown close to him while u were with his dad!! Just a crappy situation all the way around!!
@ss3mom yes he's with his mom but unfortunately she's psycho so I wouldn't go near that with a 20 foot pole. After 7 years broken up, she still is chasing after ex and his family. ?♀️ and she's always been weirdly jealous/extremely hostile towards me so she is blocked on all social media.
20.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
My fiance and I didn't get a date for months after we started seeing each other bc we did the same thing. He just came over later at night and I'd make us a late dinner or something. I had family to watch my girls, though, so we took advantage of that a few times. I didn't let him meet my kids and do stuff with us together until probably 6 months in but I've been burned twice so I was a little cautious and didn't want them getting hurt. We get married next month and we mostly only do family days now lol
20.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I'm honestly in the same situation and I can hardly go out with my SO. He's super patient though and knows how hard my ex has made things for me. My ex purposely made sure I have no spare time to myself. We've been seeing each other for a little while now and I introduced my son to him but just as a friendly type of thing to not confuse him but that helped along. Just give it some time, it may be the only way too when the time is right if this guy is a good guy and patient too
I remember you actually and I remember what you'd mention about your ex and good thing you guys are done! I remember thinking he didn't seem like the best partner and you received a lot of advice to leave him
19.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh no I’m so sorry to hear about your step son. Is he with his mother? Were the two of u close? Are u on good terms with his mother? Like maybe if he visits with u and his 1/2 sibling that might help. If he’s not spending time with his dad I’m sure he’s lashing out about that!! It’s so sad when a parent just walks away from their children!! I’d literally die if I couldn’t see my kids all the time!! Breaks my heart for those kiddos
Aww thanks @ss3mom. I do miss it here. DD is 2 now and SS is almost 8! DD is doing great, but SS has a huge attitude now that keeps getting worse. Not that I blame, he's had such a hard life. And now his dad isn't taking him much anymore so I'm sure he feels like his life is falling apart. :(
But I really have to separate myself from all that. I have no control over what happens to him despite how much I love and care for him.
I guess maybe I need to focus a little on building up my support system ?
19.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I didn't want to handle dating. I've been single since I've been pregnant four years ago lol. I just recently met someone, it was completely on accident. He also has a child. We are taking it very slow. I don't want him to meet my son at least until we are at least 6 months in. I always said that the next person I date I want it to be serious that he's the potential step father to my son. I'd probably introduce them as friends first, though. But I always fear my son will be attached too quickly because his father is nonexistent. Therefore that's why I'm waiting a bit for them to meet.
Once a week we see each other and hang out. My mother watches him. We hang out with our friends as a group, go to dinner, etc.
19.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I didn’t date for over 4 years. My parents weren’t always willing to keep my daughter for things that didn’t involve me working late or on weekends, so I just stayed away from it all. Your situation is a little different obviously lol. But do you know of any babysitters? Or any parents of your little ones friends? My daughter had a sleepover, allowing me for a date night - but she’s 6.
19.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Well I’m sorry to hear u two couldn’t make it right but happy to hear that you’re happy now!! I missed u!! I’ve always liked u here!! Happy you’re back and doing well now!! How are the kids? They have to be so big now!! How old are they again? Also happy to hear that you’re dating someone. Hope he makes u happy because u totally deserve it