DD is 4 and she said she wants 4 gifts. Not 5, not 3, specifically 4 gifts. I bought rolls of wrapping paper and she said "Why did you buy 3 rolls for my 4 gifts? You need to buy another one!" ? lol!
@lieseyloo I might ask for a birthday cake for me. ? I think your kid is onto something...
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son keeps asking for a birthday cake lol doesn't quite get it yet
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
10 year old wants an Xbox 1, iPod touch, and that razor board
6 year old wants fingerlings
3 year old wants everything he sees
1 year old doesn't care
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
DS1 (4) wants a red bike and red helmet (it must be red, no other color ?), Spider-Man costumes and mask, nerf guns, a big black truck (like ones you can drive around), a big monster truck, and a trampoline.
DD1 (3) wants a baby alive doll, princess costumes, a Princess truck (the ones you drive around), teddy bears, Doc Mcstuffins stuff, Barbies, and a trampoline.
DS2 (2) just wants trucks, and a bike.
DD2 (5 months) will be getting infant toys and clothes!
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Anytime there's any sort of like big play house / track on TV my dd will pout and go "I don't have that set up" ? so 1 of those for sure.
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
We picked up bits and pieces all year round, paw patrol figures when been discounted, hungry hippos as a family game, family members are getting peppa pig play sets so we got the figures. A lot of smaller things, no ‘big’ item this year as she’s too young to understand that concept at 2. The most expensive thing I’ve bought was £30 for a leap pad interactive book thing.
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
mine wants shopkins and a bike ?? easy and short list ?? I might throw in some blind bags and a home madr jumbo kinder egg .. with a ton of smaller toys
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Lmao at Ttdub, thinking the EXACT same thing ???
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 2 year old wants 'purple'
I think she is deliberately trying to be cryptic to test me!
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Dd wants to redecorate her room and asked for a bunch of decor stuff. She’s also getting an iPad (from Grandpa), clothes, probably a couple gift cards.
At 4 I think her favorite gift was a play vanity. She used it for years! Sometimes as a vanity, sometimes as a desk, largely as an anchor for blanket forts. LEGO’s or Kinects we’re always popular too. The kinects are nice because they are easier to see when they’re on the floor lol.
16.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 7 yr old son wants a laptop or Xbox so he can play Minecraft (for himself) ?. My 4 yr old son wants Nintendo switch (Odyssey) and more games for his 3ds.
My newborn will be getting clothes ?
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son, he’s 3, wants that new big hot wheels garage or whatever it is, and a paw patrol boat. My 6 year old wants the Lol big surprise ball and a hatchimal and a Barbie dream house. My 11 year old dd is asking for a straightener, and room decor, new shoes, and a few other things. I’m just gonna buy a couple of toys for the baby she will be 3 months.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 4.5 year old son asked for all the paw patrol dogs and the sea patroller.
My 2.5 year old daughter points to everything on tv and says "want that" so we got her a bunch of barbies and dolls :)
Christmas shopping is done in our house already this year thank god!
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Lol @xarmen my idea of keeping,it,simple and your idea of,keeping,it simple are,completely different.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 5 year old wants "anything that is mermaid" lol so im.not sure yet. Probably one of those mermaid tail blankets and a mermaid doll that can swim
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
We're getting DS 4, a iPad, and a drone. We keep it simple since they all have grandparents and uncle's who go all out. Ds 6, and iPad and transformer robot that's over 100$!!! Those are the items they've been begging for all year. And my DD 3m, she will just get a few toys, shoes.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
I was going to get a violin for my son but now he says he really wants an electric motorcycle, because apparently his two bicycles are not enough. Seems excessive for a 4 year,old, considering the fact that his gopa got him a quad last year. I'm most likely going to get my 9 month old something that she can practice standing with. She figured out that she can use her,legs to stand on instead of a second pair of hands. Lol
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 4 year old asked for a bike, baby doll, scooter, and tablet. But I also got her some clothes, boots, play makeup, and a few more small things. Her birthday is in March so she will get her trampoline then.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
I bought a FurReal friends for dd. and some clothes. don't know what I'm gonna get for ds. Probably transformers toys.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son is 3.5. We are getting him a race car bed, motorcycle power wheels, balance bike or a bigger tricycle, karaoke microphone, this rocket shooter thing, a cars movie race track, fire truck, train that makes bubbles, trash truck, new toy cars, and a couple new basketballs.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Ds1 is 7 and wants a 3ds xl, dirt bike parts, clothes, and a go kart. Ds2 is 6 and wants a 3ds xl, gun, clothes, and a new dirt bike.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Legos Legos and more Legos lol
They are 3 and in one week 5!!!
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
We got my 3.5 year old a play house for outside, my journey doll with accessories, a digital camera, and a baby that crawls. I might get her a power wheels if I can get my hands on one on black Friday.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 5 year old asked for a doll house, barbies, dresses and stickers. 7 year old asked for paw patrol things, 9 year old doesn't know and my 11 year old hasn't asked for anything this year, but he asked for a telescope for a long time.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 4 year old wants a hatchamial, and Minecraft and Sonic action figures, and a pj masks gecko hoodie.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
A train he can control and octoport (octonauts)
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Dd is 3 and wants a baby that pees and can take a bottle and play doh. We also got her a purple trolls bike since she loves purple and trolls. Which is perfect! I also got her some make up. There was a few other things but I don't exactly remember
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 2 year old ask for almost every toy he see on the tv
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
i wisk i knew my oldest won't tell me a single thing its sooo frustrating