I’ve read something about false negative that women can get during pregnancy but couldn’t understand. It means that a women is pregnant but still get negative results on the pregnancy test. Any ideas about it?
This is the comment i read on the community :
The earliest I got a BFP with my previous pregnancies was at 8 weeks. it was something to do with the way my body metabolised HCG in my urine. In fact with one of my boys I needed bloods at 14 weeks to confirm I was pg... no HPT's had shown +!!!
22.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Amanda, it happens. Typically it doesnt take that long for a positive test, but I have heard of women having very slow rising hcg at first and not being able to detect it until later. That said, Beaky is right. It is much more likely a faulty test.