Brandy Stinson
Brandy Stinson

Anyone in here catch the flu? Did your baby catch it if you did? I'm the one who has to get out and do all the grocery shopping. Even when my husband is home. So...Friday he requested steaks that I didn't have. So I went to the grocery store and apparently picked up the flu while there ?. I also do all baby care...even with him knowing I think I have the flu ?. I'm so worried he is going to catch it or already has.

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Ugh we all had the flu this past week...except the ebf baby!
05.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Well flu test came back negative, thankfully. But it appears I have a stomach virus or stomach flu. Which also sucks lol.
05.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Unfortunately, I'm not breastfeeding ? He only breastfed for a couple days then decided he wasn't having it. After 12 hours of him refusing we gave a bottle and he hasn't looked back since. I tried pumping but I never get anything after the first few pumps.
We are currently waiting to be tested. I don't think he has it, but testing anyways to stay ahead of it just in case he does test positive.
05.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I came home from the hospital with the flu. My 15 year old ended up having it while I was in the hospital and my 6 year old ended up with it the same time I did. I knew something wasn't right so I took the 3 of us to the urgent care. The doctor there thought we just had some viral cold. Once I mentioned I just wanted to be sure we didn't have the flu because I had a 3 day old at home (she is now 1month), the doctor said oh really well let's do a flu test on you to be sure. It came back positive. I am breastfeeding so I do all the care as well. I had to wear a mask and wash my hands before I touched her etc. and I was given tamiflu. She did end up with a stuffy nose when she was about 2 weeks old, but that was it. My husband even ended up with it and my 1 year old did get sick but I don't think he had the flu, if he did he never ran a fever. Just keep breastfeeding and take precautions while taking care of baby, a mask helps so your not breathing on baby. Hope you feel better soon!
05.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
The best thing you can do is to keep breastfeeding your little one. He will get all the antibodies he needs from your milk to help keep him from catching your illness. Wash hands often and try not to kiss/breathe on him (I know, it’s easier said than done). I thankfully haven’t gotten sick with this baby, but with previous babies I did, and they never got sick. Breast milk is amazing stuff!
Hang in there mama. Hopefully you get better soon!
05.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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