Return to work

I went back to work this past Monday. I'm grateful for the last 7 months (8 months total) I've been able to stay home with my lo. It's just hard getting back into the work routine. The silver lining is that I can take lo to work with me, I manage a childcare Center, I'm able to watch her on the video monitor in my office. She's not used to being one of many so she has her moments of tears because she isn't the only focus in the room. I try to stay clear of the room she's in because I want her to get familiar with her class first. When I hear her cry I just tell myself the same thing I tell other parents "she will be okay she just needs to get familiar with her new surroundings and people, she's in great hands". It's day 3 and she's adjusting pretty well. True enough I did bring her to the center to visit a few times over the last 5 months. I just miss being home with my sweet girl.

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Exactly! So much happens from day to say. I miss being able to just go to the museum or park during the day with my lo. I'm thankful that I'm still able to see her during the day.
22.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son has been sick the last two days and I've been home with him. Sick or not, it's a dream! I want to start working part time, the last 24 hours has made me realize how much i miss during the day!
22.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I miss being home with my guy, too. I sit at work and wonder what in the F am I doing here.
21.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's so hard!!
21.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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