Jen Cohan
Jen Cohan
HELP.....Panicking breastfeeding momma!

My twins are 13w1d. My period returned today. Over the last several days, I have noticed a DRAMATIC loss in breastmilk supply. I have had supply issues all along (with all of my babies). I nurse, pump, and supplement. After this pregnancy, I have produced 15-18 ounces daily (this is with pumping both breasts every 3 hours). It is awful considering I wanted to EBF.

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Beth- I know you are right- but it has been a hard pill to swallow. Feels like my body has let me down, by letting my babies down.

I will hope and pray for both of us MMiz that our supplies return to normal. I am still really struggling - but today was day 4, so AF is practically over, I hope I see my milk supply starting to increase by tomorrow.
04.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Guess what @2014baby. I got my first pp period last night. It just showed up out of nowhere.
I guess this explains my milk drop.
It felt so weird to see blood after a year.
04.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I understand I got very down when I had to supplement, but I try to stay positive because he's still getting it mostly from me and some is definitely better than none! ?
02.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you ladies for the ideas. I will certainly try the brown rice and the barley. It is so frustrating- all I wanted was to EBF- it is the only disappointment I have faced from both pregnancies- and like you said Beth, I saw a breast specialist who told me that some women (usually larger breasted women) just have fewer milk ducts, and there is just nothing that can be done. I was so excited after the twins were born because I was able to pump so much more than I did with my first. I just hope and pray that my supply goes back to what it was (or even improves) after my period ends.

I have two Medela pumps and actually rented the hospital pump for 11 weeks, my LC recommended the Spectra2 pump. It was much less expensive than my medelas, and works as well as the hospital pump, only faster.

I am so jealous of all big milk producers. Just wish I was one of them. I wish I was complaining of being engorged.
01.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had the same problem trying everything. They also suggested eating barely have you tried that?
01.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Btw I don't seem to respond to the pump as well as I do my baby. Because I can feed him and he's good for 2-4 hrs, then feed again with no problems. If I'm able to be home with him he might get 1 bottle a day.
01.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Mine dropped a little when my period came back at about 6m pp. It did go almost back to normal after my period goes away. I've struggled with supply the whole time too, I was never able to freeze any so now he gets what I have pumped the day before while I was at work. I only manage to get around 8 oz's in a day! I pump 3 -4 times while I'm at work for 15min each time. I asked my dr about all the stud you've tried and she said you'll either have it or not, there isn't much you can do to change it, besides staying hydrated and eat good.
01.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Brown rice! You can make a brown rice drink, too.

Oh @2014baby. I'm so sorry you are going through this - so stressful.
I know how you feel...I've seen a drop in my supply this week, too. Im scared my left breast is drying up.
I'm having trouble keeping up with Aiden and the 3 days a week that he's in daycare. Daycare is constantly pressuring me for more milk and I always feel stressed about it.

In my case, I think I cut too many calories during the day (unintentional - just super busy). I ran out today and got a bunch of snacks and tons of brown rice. Oatmeal is no longer working for me.

On a totally separate note, is your pump working ok? Maybe a pressure issue?
01.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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