implantation bleeding but no blood?!?!
Ok so today I checked my cm. I do it daily to help in my ttc and to get more fimilar with my own body and cycle. So lastnight I was laying in bed and I have a overwhelming pain in my uteris. It was almost like a bunch of little needles stabbing my insides. It happened twice within a 10 minutes time and lasted about 45 seconds each time. Soon after I fell asleep. Slept all night and woke this morning felt normal. Some cramping on and off but not anything compared to last night. We'll about lunch time I checked my cm and cp. My cp is medium high, firm, and closed and we'll my cm looked creamy, no blood but I got a wiff of blood. (TMI) I smelled my finger and my cm smelled like blood but there was no blood in sight. Ladies please tell me I'm not loosing my mind. Idk that this has ever happened to me or maybe I just havent payed attention. This happen to anyone else??? Cd 22,9dpo, and 3 days til af.