So I got a blazing positive today. I'm assuming I didn't ovulate the other day. This cycle seems to be dragging. Dh and I Dtd but I'm so confused. Really hoping that this is my cycle. I really can't handle all the sadness of seeing only one line. And not to mention getting multiple opks that's either almost positives or blazing positive in the same cycle, days apart. So here's to thinking I was 2 dpo to now waiting on ovulation. ♡♡♡
The day of and the following day. That would have counted anyways. Then for 3 days straight at the beginning of my fertile window we missed 2 days I beleive
13.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
At 6 dpo i didnt have much going on when i got to 8 and 9 dpo i started see more things cant wait till next week! The wait is almost over! Did you guys bd enough after your blazing positive
I'm at 6 dpo and havent really seen a drastic change. I was hoping this was my month but with all the confusion I don't think it happened. I may be wrong but so far no significant signs.
13.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
How are you doing? Yesterday at 9 dpo i have pink spotting hoping its ib!
13.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Blazing !! Baby dust
08.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I agree it does tell us things. But its unreliable for knowing we are pregnant before we get a bfp. But for me knowing that i didnt leak those days tells me it was open and i was ovulating! The wait begins for you! So exciting!
Yea It's for some and not for others. I'm not sure how reliable it is but Google says it's important haha. Hoping this is it for us :-) ♡♡♡
07.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Lol well that's a good sign. Its hard for me to check for many reasons! I have a tilted uterus and most of the time i can reach it when i tried. Also the past 2 and half years i had ocd i have the fear of contamination of germs and bodily fluids so me doing that freaks me out.
I've grown pretty fond of checking my cp. I could have sworn the other day I was ovulating because it perfectly met the description but it's the same way today that's why I tested. Just hope we catch it whenever it is, haha.
07.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Took mine it still has nice color to it but its still negative. Tmi. We bd last night and this morning when i got up a lot came out. But the days that we bd on my positive opk all of it stayed so im guessing my cervix is closed now
07.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Totally agree. But once we get it we are anxious for appointments its a never ending cycle but these babies are sure worth the stress and anxiety
Absolutely. I'm praying we both see 2 lines this cycle. As confusing as all this can be the moment we get a positive it'll make it all worth while.
07.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Wow that is suppperr positive! Im sorry to hear about your boy! I really hope you get your 2 pink lines! I will be sending positive vibes your way all month hoping that we can be buddies though this journey.
I just changed my ovulation date in my app for ff and I got a test date of the 25th. To some the 25th is just another day but for me the 25th is the day my 6 month old lil boy passed away 7 years ago. Not saying a positive test would take away the sadness of that day but It sure would be nice. Keep me in your prayers ladies!