Glad you kept testing! I stopped after having them stay the same for 3 days i may take one in a few hours just to make sure now! I hope that you catch the egg!
Man we are in the same boat! We didnt bd last night because we did it 4 days in a row. I had watery cm yesterday plan is to bd tonight following to smep hoping it works
Yesterday my CP was in show position con I'm pretty confident that I did ovulate yesterday, plus watery cm. I feel like I have a pretty good shot. I didn't BD lastnight but I did the 2 previous days and a total of 4 times in my fertile window. Now I'm just waiting and taking opks to make sure that was it. So far so good :-)
Sorry wish they gave notifications when you reply. It could be possible i had very faint lines one day and the next it was positive! Now im getting all confused. I had faints and now they are getting darker again and im about 2 or 3 dpo. I posted a picture
Is it possible that the almost 24 hrs between tests, I missed the beginning of my surge? I thought the lines were so light It wouldn't happen and now I don't know If I ovulated or not. If I don't get pregnant this cycle, I'm definitely gonna bbt next cycle. I hate all this confusion :-\
05.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Just dtd every other day
05.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Hopefully you caught it. I wish i could temp because it would help but i sleep with my mouth open so i would have to do it vaginally and i dont like the idea of it so im just relying on opks and dtd often im on 4 days in a row and man its bloody painful. We dont normally do it that often hoping that we can move on to every other day soon im scared that we would skip a day and i end up messing it up.
Yea I think I'm going to continue testing. Dtd just to be sure.
05.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ok so i believe that its like mine i had the exact thing had a positive and then started to get lighter and got ovary cramps im cd 13 today and they are kinda getting darker again im testing just because i want to make sure i o'd that day
05.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Super close. Test again tonight. It may be positive.
I mean they've been regular since having my IUD removed and that was in january. I just took another and it was lighter but still dark. I'm so confused. Right ovary pain/cramps. Maybe this is it. I just didn't expect it to happen so early.
04.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Are your cycles normally regular? Mine lately have been going from 26 to 30 so a 4 day difference. I did opks this round. I got a positive on cd 11 and cd 12 my apps changed my af dd to 4 days earlier than predicted before making this cycle a 26 day instead of the predicted 29 this month. From what i have noted it does change your cycle length i read that lp are regular unlike ovulation day
04.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
O hunni it’s positively last month I didn’t ovulate will CD30! Took vitex and O this month CD 16 and got first + CD15 I was overjoyed since that’s what my cycles were before they got messed up!
So will it change af, If this is really a positive. I'm gonna test again in a hour or so to make sure. CP is definitely soft, high, open, but at the moment it doesn't seem to wet.
04.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh i got mine on 11 and 12 cd so its possible!
04.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
This like mine i got one that was a little darker than the control waited four hours and the line started to fade slowly. So i had a stronger surge while i was waiting. Mine now two days past are really light im about 1 dpo now gl hope you catch the egg
I'm a bit confused because last cycle I didn't get a positive until cd 13 And ovulation pains and pink discharge on cd 14. My luteal phase is 11 days so If I ovulate tomorrow my cycle will be shortened by 3 days, And Its only 26-28 days.
04.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Looks like it! Getting a positive in CD10 is normal(: you may also get a few more positives (blazing positives where the test is darker than the control line) egg should release in 12-36 hours! Bd and baby dust ✨