Hey ladies! Just needing some reassurance! Feeling kind of worried that maybe we found out too early and that something will change at my next ultrasound. These were taken at 13+2 but baby was measuring a few days ahead. Our tech was 100% positive and has yet to be wrong. Does anyone have any experience with seeing an ultrasound that looks like this and it being a boy? I'm so paranoid lol
Thanks Jacky! It just doesn't matter how many times I watch her ultrasound and look at the pictures it will not sink in lol! I've bought clothes and talk about having a girl and its just too surreal. I think it's mostly because we didn't think it was possible to have a girl. Knowing me, I literally won't believe it til September when I finally see her! I get teary eyed just thinking about it.
30.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
To me i t looks like a girl! Thats how isabelles ultrasound looked like
That & Google doesn't help lol I've been reading stories that a lot of early girl gender predictions turn out to be wrong. I have an appointment on the 11th of April! I think at this point if something were to change, hubby and I would be heartbroken. We are just so excited at the thought of having a girl❤
25.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think that’s exactly what it is, you’re doubting yourself because you’re so excited ?
Thank you so much ladies! I do remember with Connor, my doctor was pretty sure he was a boy at 13 weeks and the potty shot looked a lot different. I guess I'm still so shocked that it really won't sink in until she's born in September lol
24.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
There are three definite lines there mama, that’s a girl! ?
24.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
That’s definitely a girl! We knew lennix was a boy by 12 weeks it was very obvious
24.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
So when i found put i was having a boy was at about 13 weeks and you could definitely tell he was a boy. That looks like a girl to me!