Samantha Coons
Samantha Coons
Rant! Please be kind...

So we have been going through a ton of hardships these last few months starting from my SO being placed in a different position resulting in him losing 19,000+ this year by the end of December 2017 (I know hasn't come yet but he is only at 13,***.** so far this year which is SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than last years earnings!). Than we lost our CRV in March right before our daughter's birth. Than this last Thursday (6/08/17) we were in a car accident. We were the through traffic and the lady at the stop sign decided to pull out in front of us with minimum amount of feet between us. My SO tried to stop but we hit her. She had the stop sign and we were the through traffic with no signs! Oh and that car was our ONLY means of transportation!!! ? Insurance is only willing to cover a rental car for 2 days!!! What is that going to help? We are just raining in so much hardship, I can't keep myself together anymore. Due to the lack of finances that he makes; we are constantly struggling to pay our rent, behind on our electric and I've had to postpone paying my credit cards so that we have money left over for other needed expenses. I'm not working due to not having transportation in our area and I'm also taking care of our three children so defeating the extra cost for our children to be in daycare in which we can't afford anyways! He is debating on getting a second job. We already receive assistance in the areas we qualify for but still aren't making ends meet. More about his work: they keep messing up his payroll for the after hours he has worked (he's a tire technician). They keep saying they are hiring someone to replace him as a driver (been saying this since last year and nothing has improved!!!)

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Thank you all for your advice! I have a profile on but people in my area are looking for babysitters/nannies that can come to their home and have their own transportation in which I don't have anymore. I'm unsure about the coupon person. I also appreciate the advice on making sure we don't let it take effect over our relationship. Right now, he's the one holding up all the hope but I'm absolutely breaking inside and out. I've been trying to hold it together for a few months now but everything keeps rolling in and making it so hard for me to keep pushing along.

As for the rental car; his brother's insurance (car was going to be switched to our insurance later that morning and into our name) will only cover two days. They said we would have to bring it back by Wednesday (tomorrow). I don't know what's going to happen at all and what her insurance is going to cover because all 5 of us were in the accident and our 2 month old in her car seat and our 5 and 4 year old in their booster seats. In which everything needs to be replaced. It's so frustrating!!!
13.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Could you possibly babysit for some extra cash? You could look on Have a yard sale? See if theres a couponer that sells her stock for cheaper near you where you can get most of your toiletries for close to nothing and cut that cost? The other person's insurance should be covering a rental?

Hope things get better :(
12.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
When my SO lost his job we went through our 20k savings and it sucked! I wasn't working because I was student teaching and had a contract stating I could not work while doing that. He worked s*** ty jobs with minimum pay but kept getting laid off bc the oil field took a hit. We moved in to a very crappy mobile home to lessen our bills. He was very depressed because he was use to bringing in a ton of money. This was 2 years ago, now we are back on top with savings, a nice home, two nice vehicles and vacations. Just know that it will get better! Weather the storm, but don't let it affect your relationship. We almost lost ours and I wish we could've went back & taken that advice. Well wishes!

On a side note, maybe y'all can work alternate shifts? But you might be worse off, or at the same place, because you'll lose your assistance.
12.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Have no advice but I've been there years ago and I know it's not easy. Hope times get better ??.
12.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Crap, when t rains it pours. Hope thug a turn around for you ?
12.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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