Chantilly Lace
Lol. My dad always grounded us...from everything! We had to stay in our rooms doing our schoolwork or reading Only allowed out to eat , goto the bathroom, and do our chores. It was the worst punishment ever.
8.7 лет

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A girl from school told the class that her sister got caught with her boyfriend in the bedroom and their dad took the door off the hinges ?? to this day she still has no door

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A girl from school told the class that her sister got caught with her boyfriend in the bedroom and their dad took the door off the hinges ?? to this day she still has no door

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When we were little, we were sparked with anything they could get their hands on lol. Belt, wooden spoon, spatula, chanclas lol. When we got older they took away our stuff or privilege to go do stuff lol.

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High school , I really cared about my looks so to punish me my mom would take away my make-up , flat irons , perfume, brand new clothes, cameras ect. I swore she was the devil ! But it worked I started staying out of trouble so I could stay "pretty" .

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My family is old school Hispanic so when it came to getting in trouble we would get spanked with hands, belts, or the chancla(sandal). Lol. I wasnt bad as a kid but once I got to middle school/ high school I had a serious attitude problem and got smacked in the face where my glasses flew off once or twice. I definitely learned my lesson and never talked back again ?

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Well when I was about 3 years old i don't know what I did but it happened several times and my mom would put hot sauce in my mouth and I'd always ask for more lol to this day I still love hot sauce. As I grew up she'd take my phone away but if I apologized and asked her for it back she would give it back. She was not good at all with punishments lol never followed through

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My mom would usually try and take my phone at which point I'd have a mental break down and she'd give in and give it back -.-

Honestly I wish she had been a bit more tough on me, but I wasn't a horrible kid either so maybe that's why. The most I ever really did was get bad grades sometimes and one time my older brother snitched on me for trying cigarettes, since he had already been caught ? (didn't like them and still don't lol)

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My grandparents made us sit on the couch looking out this huge living room window and watch all our friends play all day ? I much rather would have been in my room all day haha

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I was rarely in trouble.... Honestly my parents could look at me and say they were disappointed and I would break down. If we were really bad my dad would spank us and my mom would punish us by making us stay inside. When older you would get grounded. I snuck out beginning of summer at 9pm to go to putt putt, got caught, and was grounded the entire summer. I was 15 yrs old and worst summer ever?my mom told me it felt like she was being punished to because she had to take me everywhere lol

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I was grounded, stuff taken away, my mom told me to clean my room and I didn't after many requests so while I was at school she cleaned it for me by putting everything in a garbage bag and throwing it out. I cleaned after that lol

I didn't get in trouble much, but when I did, my parents didn't cave so I learned my lesson. My sister (she was 16 at the time and none of us had cellphones) stayed out all night once and my parents were so worried, so when my sister finally walked in the door at 9am, after not having any sleep and basically passing out at the table, my mom made her stay awake the rest of the day and clean. She was so tired and miserable, she never stayed out all night again.

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That wouldn't work for my son's phone anyway. All he has to do is switch it into power saving mode. The phone will run on 8% battery for 2 days. ? damn you samsung and your awesome features.

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From when i was little to about 10 years old my parents would spank us. After that we couldnt go any where and once we had a phone we got it taken away. My sister and i where pretty behaved we just talked back like any normal teen. (Mostly my sister)

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I was never punished as a child. I don't recall ever doing anything worthy of punishment until around 16 and 17 years old. Even then I don't feel what I did was worthy. I had a boyfriend that my dad disliked because of the way he treated me. I was young and dumb and I thought I was in love. So I would sneak around to see him. The most he ever did was take my phone privileges away or make me stay home for the weekend. He didn't even stick to it. All I had to do was sit on his lap with my little puppy dog eyes and say "I'm sorry daddy" and all would be forgiven.

With my own kids we do have consequences for bad behavior. They aren't punished for small offenses like forgetting to take out the trash etc. They're punished for being disrespectful to us and their siblings, back talking, and for deliberately messing up in school. Their punishments consist of, having time in their room to reflect on their actions without computers, ipads, phones. Only books and drawing items. If they come to us with a sincere apology, we are more lenient and may lift their pinishment.

It's not a perfect system. We're still working out kinks. I just believe that if I give my child a gift (mostly all of their electronics have been gifts) it shouldn't be taken away as punishment. We withhold the items for a couple of hours (depending on offense) while they think about how their actions affect others. When we are confident that they have learned from their mistakes the items are returned.

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I was fairly sneaky for the most part so i didn't really get punished too often. But when I did I was also grounded from everything aside from TV, toys,books. I enjoyed playing outside so when I was in trouble I wasn't allowed to go outside or have friends over and I actually hated it. Once and only once did my mom actually ground me to my room where I was only allowed to come out to eat and pee. It was after going somewhere after school and I didn't tell her. She looked for me for hours.

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My mom tried her best to punish me, but I still did what I wanted, I was mouthy ( always) and she usually gave in after a few minutes to an hour etc....

My.brother would get grounded a lot, he spent his first year of high school 13/14 grounded, no outside- just in the yard and out for work, no phone or friends, he actually spent a full 6 months grounded to his room. Lol got caught smoking on school.grounds!

I.on the other hand, used to annoy the living s*** out of my mom, till she told me to leave her alone and get my ass outside, before she'd beat it! It always worked ;) lol

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We weren't allowed to go outside or visit any friends.

Growing up we stayed outside during the summer from sun up to sun down so that was our biggest punishment. Imagine all the kids in the neighborhood playing in front of your house while you sat by the window and watched. Then my mom made it worst by making us clean floorboards, scrub down walls, and clean out the fridge.

Worst punishment ever but it definitely taught me to be a clean freak now lol.

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