Megan Strange
Megan Strange
*Low iron in late pregnancy*
Has anyone had a result of 7.3 (73) for their iron levels?
Just got mine back today and midwife is seriously concerned. They should be 10.5 (105)
And I only have just over 3 weeks until I’m due so what happens now?
I thought they were going up as I’m on iron tablets already and they sorted me during my last pregnancy :(

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@mamacheybb, 5000mcg? What’s that? I’ll be looking at having injections for B12 apparently xx
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I have the b12 low also I take 5000mcg daily I do feel a lot better even just withnthat
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@carlybeanw, just got back from the hospital. They think I might have B12 deficiency and that’s why I’m not absorbing the iron. They’ve taken blood and sent me home and said they will call me by this evening with a plan
They didn’t say much about a transfusion or infusion or anything
I don’t think they know what to do with me :( xx
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Mine were 73 and I was sent to hospital. Ended up having a blood transfusion (had the option of having an iron injection but as you have two there's a chance the levels can drop between and after them so went for the blood) my levels have improved but starting to drop again. I'm on iron still 3 times a day but they think I have something that makes my iron low (my levels kept dropping even while on iron) so I have to have tests done once baby is born to find out. Don't worry if you need one, it takes 4 hours then you have to wait 6 hours for a blood test to check your levels. It feels weird but not painful. It does mean you can't be a blood or organ doner though so if this is something you want to do opt for the iron injection I stead (I was on the doner list & didn't find out until after that this was an issue) x
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My midwife has booked me an appointment at the day assessment unit today for 1.30 (2 hours or so from now as I’m in the uk)
So she seems really concerned which is good
I’m just wondering what will happen when I get there now :/ xxx
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I am in Canada maybe things are different here I specifically asked my dr if I should get shots at least but hejust suggested forgexia a stronger iron .
I have a lot of symptoms but 🤷🏾‍♀️this is the 5th pregnancy and I always have to
Deal with it I usually don’t notice until I get pica and eat ice like crazy . I also have very low b12
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mamacheybb wow you reached as low as 3 ?!
They should refer you to a consultant when you reach 7 or 8 i think. And thats when the consultant will offer you one.
You also have to complain about your symptoms if you have any. If not, then they really dont care as long as your quiet about it.
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@j.z.710, how low do they consider shots or transfusions I’ve had as low as 3 and they didn’t
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Mines at 6 and falling and anything under 12 is anemic I’m only 16 weeks it will get much worse unfortunately
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I had low iron in my first pregnancy and they didn't do anything about it. I had a really bad haemorrhage while giving birth and my level dropped to 4.8 which is fatally low. They rushed the blood transfusions.
My body was aching really bad from the low blood.
I dont mean to worry you but low iron is no joke.
If i was you i would push for an iron or blood transfusion before birth.

I am anaemic this pregnancy too and they're going to give me iron transfusion before birth.
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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