Greatful my baby is so healthy and doing so well, I'm kind of confused however about myself and why I'm having so many issues post partum this time. After my first born I healed quickly and did so good I was shocking everyone, this time has been a completely different story. I don't get how come I'm having so many complications post partum I just wanna work through it so I can go home to my family and enjoy my boys, I'm feeling very emotional and frustrated

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@gabz1509 thank you!
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Hope you recover fast so you can go home. I will be praying for you so you can have a speedy recovery. Good luck momma.
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@gabz1509 me too I miss him alot I haven't been away from him this long before, Wednesday was my c-section did great for the first part of the day then my oxygen has been too low so i ve been having to wearing the tube in my nose, and I've been bleeding too much for a c-section so my blood was down and they had to give me 3 bags of iv Medicine to slow it down and now I have been passing really big blood clots so they have been giving me shots in my belly that I'll have to do at home too so that way I don't form new clots and help break down any more of the larger clots that i still have. Just very frustrating because besides the extra bleeding I feel as normal as you can afterwards bur they are saying all these things that's going
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Awww hope whatever you’re going through you get by it so you can go home to your other baby
18.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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