Kim K posted this pic of her beautiful kids, ok so I get not everyone would posh this picture of their children which is understandable but nonetheless I don’t find irresponsible to post a picture like this if you so choose. Thoughts? People are not only questioning the lack of clothes which It seems everything is covered. But more surprising people are suggesting it’s inappropriate for them to even be in the bath together which is MAJOR reach IMO.
I think it’s absolutely adorable but I also would not post this on social media just because there is a lot of weirdos out there my brothers ex she posted a pic of her son on Facebook and some weird dude stole the picture and posted it on his saying it was his kid got taken and if ANYONE sees the boy with ANYONE to take him and bring him to him that’s as weird as it gets I think that’s creepy I also don’t have social media because of reason like that
@filterless Right! I saw a bunch of pictures of me running around outside butt ass naked until I was like 5. Instead of being on the internet forever they are in a scrapbook forever.
@bigmama18, I agree stuff wasn’t done back then because it couldn’t be. Our parents would’ve been doing the most on the gram too if they had the opportunity
Its a cute picture. They are completely covered where they need to be. I would take this picture of my kids but not post it. I would keep it to use to embarrass later on. I agree with others she only gets criticized because she is famous. With the world we live in everybody posts every aspect of their life online so I see why Kim did it. I believe if Facebook existed back in our parents day our bare asses would of been online. #itsnotthatserioisworld
@johnell, while yes there may not be straight up showing anything but they are both still naked. And that is enough for sickos to get off on. There is so some really fucked up people in this world.
So I’m not sure I understand. Nothings showing but a nipple or two ?
Not anything you’d see different as if you took a picture with him in the swimming pool and the girl seems to be pretty much covered So I’m not sure how this is inappropriate? And they are both still super young so I don’t think them getting a bath together is a problem either. Just my opinion thooo
The picture itself is cute but I personally wouldn’t post a picture of my kids like this for the world to see. There are too many weirdos out there. I personally don’t care for the Kardashian’s so I don’t follow their lives or anything but they can do as they please.
Nothing wrong with them bathing together, they’re kids! I wouldn’t post it on social media but you can’t see anything and there’s definitely worse posted. I think she’d get slated for whatever she posted tbf.
There are weirdos out there that do not need to see photos of your children like this especially since she’s a celebrity and who knows who has this picture now to me it’s inappropriate