@amomandherbug, 😂😂omg how did you react after finding out it was a girl? Had you already purchased any boy stuff ? Will you have another gender reveal and say tricked you , it’s a girl 😅
16 weeks we paid for a private ultrasound since we had a bad experience with 12 week one at doctors and I didn’t even see him or get a picture so I was down about that. After 16 weeks the place said if baby was stubborn and would let you see they would let you come back for free so if you do a private scan you might want to ask if they have that guarantee. If we didn’t see his parts I would have been suspicious whether or not he was a girl but we saw everything and got a lot of pictures and I’m really happy I did it because otherwise I would only have 7 pictures of him(2 from 6 weeks that look the same and 5 from 20 weeks 3 of the same thing, then one profile and one genitals). The place even emailed me the pictures too so I had them on my phone/computer
16 weeks. I had biweekly mfm visits with my high risk dr. The only pro with having an incompetent cervix is, we always had to do ultrasounds so we saw her every two weeks and watched her grow. We could have known as early as 14 weeks but there was a higher chance of it being wrong. @ 16 weeks it was slightly more accurate so we decided to find out then, than wait another month!🤣
At 12 weeks our tech told us she knew the gender and we were stoked. She put it in an envelope and we threw a Gender Reveal party.... WHOOOO IT’S A BOY!!!!!
Fast forward to our Anatomy Scan at 20 weeks.............. not a boy 😂😂😂🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
@millerab14, I was too 😂 but I had my ultrasound and had the nurse put the gender in an envelope and I had a gender reveal party the next day. It was excited but I had to learn patience 😂 just talk to your doctor about when you can schedule that ultrasound appointment to find out