I don’t care if it’s her opinion. It’s a shitty one. It’s proven cry it out is damaging. Also the whole my parents did it and we are fine is a lousy excuse to not tend to your child’s needs.
We do the self settling approach and ds cries for less than 1 min and is out. It’s the only way he goes down, doesn’t allow me to rock him and doesn’t feed to sleep. He’s a big boy and fights the rocking lol. I just make sure he’s been burped really well, warm and give him a hug and place him in his crib. If he cries for more than 2 mins I go in and try again because I know there’s something bothering him.
@monkeysalwayswin, omg I let the dog CIO when he came back from the dogsitters. They let him sleep in their bed on their pillows and he expected the same when he came home. Nope. Not in this house
Babies are working on trust vs mistrust, them not being ok may not manifest immediately, but it always shows up, subtle to extreme. Everyone learns to cope in their own way, but I don't think leaving a newborn to scream their lungs out have a positive impact on them, they aren't just showing out wanting attention
@saailer, I also disassociate with people who are willfully ignorant. I just don’t have time for it in my life. I don’t need people to agree with me, how boring life would be. If you are going to take a stance, make sure it’s educated because the “they did it and they were fine” doesn’t fly with me.
My son doesn’t cry at all but when he does I do pick him up because I know there’s something wrong. I have a really calm and such a good baby. My son doesn’t cry to get picked up at all only like ones a month he just has that day that he wants me to be there with him at all times and that’s when I do let him cry.
It’s the way she came across. If you aren’t even open to listening to scientific research and then forming an opinion I don’t want to associate with you. I have plenty of friends who have different opinions than me and I don’t judge them but we also are opening to listening to each other. This girl isn’t. It’s like someone else I Unfriended because they were defending flipping their child forward facing before one. If you’re that ignorant I don’t want to associate with you.
I don’t care if it’s her opinion. It’s a shitty one. It’s proven cry it out is damaging. Also the whole my parents did it and we are fine is a lousy excuse to not tend to your child’s needs.
@masseymomma16, I get that. Once had a girl on fb that said anyone who voted for trump can just go ahead and remove themselves off of her fb... not that I voted for him but that kind of attitude, I can’t deal with. But at the same time we’re all individuals. 🤷🏻♀️ none of us are going to be the exact same and have the exact same beliefs. I do think the lady on the fb post needs to get off her high horse but also think she is entitled to her opinion... just like op is.
@lauren_leigh, I agree BUT the friend knew this was a controversial subject and would cause drama. For me...that's enough to unfriend someone, no matter what the topic is.
I don’t understand though. Not at all trying to argue but if you can have an opinion.. why can’t she? This is her child and how she chooses to parent. Which you’re entitled to not agree with but to unfriend someone because of the way they parent is different than how you parent.. I don’t get?