So I'm at the hospital having contractions and dialated 2 centimeters! I'm not even 20 weeks yet. I'm so scared. They're gonna give me magnesium to stop it. She's got a good heartbeat.I feel her moving but if she's born they can't save her😭😬😩
Don’t do much girl. Stay resting and try and keep hips elevated. I had to do that with my first and I was down for 9 weeks. But was healthy and on keep. Praying for you and baby.
@typicalmomma8, can’t they put an emergency stich in? I’m not sure how those work but maybe it’s an option? Have theygiven you all the medicine possible to stop labor? I’m praying for you.
My cousin was born at 21 weeks, and this was back in 1993, she had some problems, like she has a shunt and other things as well, but she’s alive! My daughter was born at 26 weeks, I went into labor at 22 weeks and was on bed rest. If you can keep baby in to 23 weeks, she has a fighting chance! Stay strong, prayers to you.