If I see another post about some “woman” on here bashing their SO I’m going to lose it. I mean really, shut up. Do you REALLY think that you’re perfect? At least he isn’t on here fussing about you to the world!
It's not rude, she has a point. Some ladies come here talking mad shit about their SO's. It's one thing to vent and complain about something they have done, but it's another to tear at their character and talk down on them so much... and then get other women to tear at them too... now that's rude.
Hmmmm you say you put GOD first but your not acting very godly right now!!! This app is for anyone and everyone to express how they feel and if you don’t like it don’t read it and move on!!! It bothers me when people like you say comments like that!! You never know what is really going on with that Person or relationship and really who are you to judge any one???? And can you ask yourself would god approve of this??
@theinkedmommy, thanks for the information of favorites because I did not know that. However, I block all the time seeing these post.
14.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
If you didn’t know, we do have a block feature! Then you’ll no longer see their posts. You can also switch your newsfeed settings to favorites, then you will only see posts from people you follow. 😊
@kaander1, You know what actually bothers me more than an original post about their SO? When other women comment and are so quick to say “leave him” esp in a marriage. Over petty stuff. If women are looking for advice and to connect then I’d hope they would have decent advice and people who are FOR marriages and FOR men being able to change and FOR love.
@kaander1, I’m not in the “relationship channel” nor do I want to be. There is a HUGE difference between bashing and venting. But you know what? Even before someone should come on here and “vent” about their SO, they should probably just go and try and communicate their feelings to their SO.