Am I the only one who doesn’t care if I get blocked? I mean, seriously. This app can be fun and I like reading about experiences, advice, etc. I don’t care to read cussing, drama, bullying, or bashing your SO. So, I will say I am one who just goes ahead and blocks someone with a post like that so I don’t have to fill my mind with it. It’s not like I’m blocking you because you’re a horrible person or I think I’m better than you or whatever people think - I block you because I care about what fills my mind and heart.

Whoever thought an app for hormonal pregnant woman was a good idea, must of been a woman lacking sleep 😉

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Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ you use it tho so the idea wasn’t terrible lol I think one can add or block as we please. As it’s done on fb, ig and other social media sites. What people say is their problem and if you don’t like it and wanna block them then heck yeah do so. This is an app to use to be enjoyed and to connect with moms you wanna connect with. You modify it to what you like and if anyone has a problem, oh well. We’re not here to be everyone’s cup of tea! 😉 just my 2 cents...
11.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I understand. I am the same. I guard my heart at all times. You are not wrong for feeling like this. I also block someone who posts a ton of pics a day... I'm talking about all I see is that person up and down my newsfeed and I cannot see other people's posts. I like to engage with different people but I can't if all I see is you.😂
11.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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