I had an ultrasound this morning to tell if my baby is head down or not and..... he is!! 🎉 I can still plan on having a natural birth. All the glory goes to God 🙌🏽

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I went home that same night too! 😊
10.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I am so happy to hear this!! I really hope the best for you! I wish I could do a natural water birth again but cannot for medical reasons. My last birth was the best I had! Once my contractions regulated I arrived at this adorable little birthing home at 6 CM dialated. I got right in the tub with essential oils and filtered recycling warm water. I had my lavender candles and my meditation music playing. I labored through contractions without honestly noticing I was in transition. That part was tougher because she had a tough sack. When that was broken I pushed and she was out! No tearing and my husband helped deliver her shoulders! She was placed right on my chest in the water and I delivered the placenta in the water as well. We had delayed cord clamping and my 7 yr old daughter helped cut the cord. It was beautiful! She latched on right away and I got back in the tub and washed myself and baby girl on my own!
10.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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