I hate to think people 100% listen to anyone online when it comes to the health of them self or their baby/kids. You have no idea the credentials of anyone online... advice is usually based off experience or google , but everyone’s experience especially regarding pregnancy can be completely night and day. One woman bleeds and miscarries and another woman bleeds all through a pregnancy and is ok. Experiences are so drastically different that it’s always best to ask the doctor .
@reginafelange, exactly. I was just trying to make it known that there are places where cervical checks are considered unnecessary unless you’re in labor.
@beakymcspence, it’s been 3 years since I’ve read up on it so I wouldn’t want to misquote or have missed any changes- shoddy advice 101- don’t give definitive unless you’re absolutely certain
The ACOG the very people that feel 50 is a good age to start mammograms despite that an early diagnosis saves lifes and that paps should only be done every 3 years.
A transvaginal wand does not enter the cervix as a physicians fingers would. A cervical exam increases the risk of PPROM, you are three times more likely to do so with routine cervical exams. I’m sure that Canadian views may differ, but I’m fairly certain the ACOG doesn’t support cervical exams without suspected labor or a medical reason such as determining the likelihood of success in an induction situation
@beakymcspence, most doctors/midwives in the Us inform that. That’s why I was wondering. I’m sure under extenuating circumstances things are different. I see you’re in Canada so obviously there are different opinions.
Cervical checks when not in active labor or when labor isn’t suspected are unnecessary no matter the method of delivery. There are other methods that are safer. Simply because your situation may have been the exception to that doesn’t mean someone else’s comments are “shoddy” medical advice.
@beakymcspence, I wasn’t being rude. I truly was curious because I didn’t know. I was told that I didn’t need cervical checks before I went into labor because dilation didn’t mean I’d go into labor soon. That’s what my OBGYN told me. So you can see why I was curious. No need for the 🙄
I really don’t think cervical checks are necessary unless your in active labor. And please forgive me if I come off as dumb but why do they do them if you’re having a csection?
I hate to think people 100% listen to anyone online when it comes to the health of them self or their baby/kids. You have no idea the credentials of anyone online... advice is usually based off experience or google , but everyone’s experience especially regarding pregnancy can be completely night and day. One woman bleeds and miscarries and another woman bleeds all through a pregnancy and is ok. Experiences are so drastically different that it’s always best to ask the doctor .
What was it, anyways?